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A Two-Bit Fortune


Mike Wilson, auto mechanic, does automotive work for a bum who philosophizes about wealth and claims to be Millionaire Stanford Spruce. Mike doesn't believe him, neither about who he is, nor about wealth not being all it's made out to be -- not until he finds out that he's Spruce's only heir to a Billion Dollar empire.



Air Dates

  • First Run - September 9, 1976
  • Repeat - December 1, 1976





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6 Responses to Episode 0515

A superb mechanic picks up a man that appears to be an injured vagrant and the two talk about money and the happiness it brings or takes away. The man turns out to be a billionaire who dies that night and wills his estate to the kindly mechanic. Will money bring the mechanic the same happiness it brought the billionaire? Probably.


Goes to show you, you gotta read the fine print! Nice ending!


love that low gravely voice of Leon Janney


This episode stars my wife... Morgan Fairchild. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Tommy Flanagan

Would you want a billion dollars? How about just 50 million? I think (as the main character does) that it would be nice to have the bills paid off, a house paid for, and some set aside (perhaps a business paid for, too). But I would get bored if I didn't have something to do, so that would likely be enough for me (although I may put enough aside for travel for a few weeks every year). Until someone gives me that much money, we won't find out if it's true or not.

A good listen.


This one has a huge flaw. In the second act, I believe, the girlfriend sees the gun of the evil lawyer and knows that her boyfriend is being coerced. later when she speaks to Fat Frank she acts as though she has no idea why Mike hasn't called her and gotten in touch. Fat Frank tells her she can't go to the police on just a feeling so what about what she witnessed with the gun?

Christina A

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