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Borderline Case


A young girl, whose father is the town sheriff, becomes clairvoyant while gazing into a smoky-gray pearl worn by an old woman. She learns the terrible history of the valuable pearl and foresees the murder of the famous jewel's owner. Then she helps her father solve the crime.



Air Dates

  • First Run - April 15, 1977
  • Repeat - August 30, 1977





93     20

11 Responses to Episode 0635

A clairvoyant adolescent girl learns the terrible history of a valuable pearl worn by an old woman. She also learns of another gruesome chapter to be played out in the pearl's history.

Lannie B.

I found this to be a very enjoyable episode, a light mystery of the sort I loved as a kid, so very nostalgic listening to it.


Although I haven't heard all of the episodes, of the 635 I have heard so far, this has got to be the worst! Spoiler alert! this may give away the solution. 16-year-old girl named Jamie Sommers, (a name that would have sounded familiar to the listeners of this program when it was first broadcast because the popular TV program of the Bionic Woman, whose hero was named Jamie Sommers, was in the middle of its 3 season run.) solves the murder because she had a vision of the same crime happening 100 years ago and the suspect back then had one eye, so who was the murderer this time? Why the man who has one eye! Oh, groan, give me a break! Even E.G. Marshall's final comment was the worst comment he delivered. "It is good to be good and it is bad to be bad, but the worst of all is to be neither." Oh boy! Who wrote that, a grade 3 schoolboy /girl drop out?

D.C. Klinkensmit

I think the host just reads whatever the writer wrote for him/her to say, (in this case, Sam Dann). The host has "lines" just the same as the actors. Everything has to be timed so that it will fit into the allotted time slots, and the commercials have to fit, etc. I doubt that the hosts improvised very much.


Definitely not the worst. The worst goes to half of Elpseth Eric's scripts (e.g. "The Resident").

Cindy Caldwell

After listening to these every night for a few years now, I’ve become familiar with the actors voices. I’m on my second play through. I wonder if the info about Murray Flersheim is correct. It doesn’t sound like a 56 year old man, yet that’s what is indicated by the info about Murray. Then again, Jamie does t really sound like a 16 year old girl. Part of the mystery about Mystery Theater is who these voice actors were. I wish it was possible to meet and talk with some of them about before they’re all dead.


The name of the episodes' star is misprinted, and who knows where the listed date of birth came from. E.G. very clearly says "Mary" (not Murray). Last name seems to be pronounced Firshim or Fershem. I've tried searching for actors with similar name spellings and have come up empty-handed.


The one eyed man did it.


**spoiler alert** 😺

Kathy Draeger

Good episode! I love to hear the voice of Bryna Raeburn. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Eric Templeton

Love Bryna Raeburn. It's just like you can see her.

Bill King

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