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The Golden Chalices


Mary Roth has stirs the embers of his memory with her stories and gifts. His patient is unaware that thirty years ago, psychoanalyst Hans von Fodor and his wife Lili von Fodor were forced to flee Hungary shortly after their marriage. Before leaving Kispest, they buried twelve golden chalices under a cherry tree with a vow to somehow come back for them. Intent on bringing the promise to life, Mary forces them into another wild goose chase.



Air Dates

  • First Run - February 12, 1976
  • Repeat - June 29, 1976





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8 Responses to Episode 0430

A patient recounts for her analyst a dream she has of 12 gold cups that were lost. The analyst's wife is convinced that they are the same cups that they hid and lost when fleeing the Nazis year earlier.

Chas Pepe

A psychiatrist sees a patient who shares with him and his wife gifts that appear to be clues to a lost family treasure. He finds it hard to believe that this young woman could know anything about the golden chalices they buried in their old family estate in the old country when they fled from Hitler's army. His wife is adamant and seeks to understand every little clue she can create out of the young girl's stories and gifts.


Not too bad of a story, but I did grow a little weary of the wife interpreting things one way and the husband dismissing it. It's an alright story, but difficult for me to put into a specific genre.


The psychoanalyst was a clueless a$$ and his attitude was contrary to his patient's treatment.

Lydia Johnson

What did the therapy have to do with anything? Wouldn't it have made more sense if she was seeing him for a condition more related to his circumstances?


Psychoanalyst Hans von Fodor is reminded of the flight he and his wife made from Hungary 30 years ago by the stories and gifts of Mary Roth, Hans’ patient. Shortly after their wedding, Hans and Lili von Fodor were forced to flee from their native Kispest and leave behind a precious wedding gift; 12 golden chalices buried beneath a cherry tree. Mary now seems to be leading them on another fruitless search for the lost cups.


One of Elspeth Eric's weirdest stories about a young patient with some serious "daddy issues" to resolve., lol! Freud's obsession with people secretly being in love with their parents and projecting it onto their therapists is really ridiculous, imo. I am glad that therapy has advanced beyond these outdated ideas. I'm not saying it can't be true sometimes, but I don't think it is a universal thing for everyone and I object to a one size fits all theory). Even if it were true, I personally think it's really unhealthy for a therapist to try and encourage a patient to "fall in love" with him as a "therapeutic" tactic. Also, I think it's weird to assume that patients fall in love with therapists to begin with. It may happen sometimes, but it is not true for every patient, and even when it happens, it might not always be related to issues about parents and projection, or unresolved childhood issues. Sometimes people just fall in love, lol! This is all very dated, Freudian psychotherapy. (These kinds of shows on CBSRMT really date the series, lol!) The therapist was a jerk to play around with the young girl's feelings, and he was also a jerk for telling his wife what his patient told him in confidence. I thought therapy was supposed to be confidential, even from the therapist's spouse, (although realistically, they probably tell their spouses a lot of things). The story starts going from being a little weird to just plain stupid when the therapist's wife reads all sorts of symbolic, psychic stuff into what the girl said and related it to their own experiences back in Hungary. It's even DUMBER that all the stuff the wife guesses turns out to be true and somehow the girl has tapped into their past with some kind of unconscious supernatural power. I'm not saying the supernatural couldn't happen and that there aren't psychics, but the way this story is put together just doesn't make any sense to me at all. This has got to be one of her dumbest stories ever! I'm not a fan of most of her writing and this plot is one of her absolute WORST efforts! What was she thinking, lol?


Near the end of the story, the analyst's wife asks him if he knows why Miss Roth brought him flowers. He says, "Of course!" But he won't tell him wife or patient the reason. He says the patient must figure it out for herself. What is the reason? I have a guess.


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