CBSRMT Episode Information Next Episode


If a Body


The local sheriff becomes suspicious when a widow becomes the recipient of a huge inheritance after her husband is officially declared dead. He is unmoved by her claims that her husband vanished after walking into a field, and is certain that she is hiding something.



Air Dates

  • First Run - December 10, 1979
  • Repeat - April 1, 1980





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6 Responses to Episode 1037

Nice mystery - doesn't try to solve the case; just gives hints. Gwynne good as usual.


Sam Dann was my favorite author of the series and he based his stories on actual news headlines. He would often take an actual news headline and create a story with just the headline - much like Ira Levin did for his Broadway plays. But no matter who wrote the episodes - there was always one performance that was always spot on consistent- E.G. Marshall. His sage advice was so different than other radio hosts that just wanted to create spooky atmosphere. He brought clarity and levity and wry humor - always expertly playing 'Devils Advocate'. Every single solitary performance as host that he did was spot on and he made even the weaker scripts interesting. There were no bad episodes if E.G. Marshall was host. He truly made sense of every script even if we couldn't. Fred Gwynn or Jackson Beck - or even Bob Dryden would have been my choices to replace him when he became too ill to continue on. Bravo Himan Brown for collecting the most amazing radio actors of the 20th century... and bravo to those who keep these performances at our finger tips.

Paul Liberti

According to Hy Brown, EG demanded a large salary increase when it came time to do the last seasons of the CBSRMT and he quickly found Tammy Grimes as his replacement.


Was he sick when he quit narrating tbe show? Or doing movies? While i do not agree with your chpice of replacements, i do agree he was excellent.


Agree totally, Paul. Mr. Dann was my favorite writer and I missed EG when he stopped hosting. Kudos to Hy Brown. I often think what a treat it would have been to watch the making of an episode. I would love to see Hy Brown’s interactions with the actors under his direction. That would have been a treat!


Well, Anastasia, heres a little nugget for you! I ADORE Frasier Crane played by Kelsey Grammar, and I often refer to his, 'Nightmare Inn' , episode when listening to RMT and visualizing the set and its machinations! I am 54 and have been listening consistently now for 3 years after a 35 year hiatus! Ive come to also adore these stories as a small portal and time capsule to my childhood when I choose one with the beloved commercials of those by-gone days..❤👂👍


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