CBSRMT Episode Information Next Episode


House without Mirrors


A concerned friend looks into the irrational fear of his compatriot who has an unusual aversion to mirrors. The eccentric man claims that he will see the image of death the moment he looks into a mirror, and not his own face.



Air Dates

  • First Run - November 12, 1979
  • Repeat - March 4, 1980





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4 Responses to Episode 1029

Too many accents and speech that is not clear make this episode hard to follow. Good sound effects though.


Whenever I listen to an episode with accents in it, I know there will be cringeworthy moments. I wish there had been more actors in this troupe who could "do" accents well. It's not a bad story even though Elspeth Eric wrote it.


Although in the introduction, Mr. Marshall said that this episode was especially written for the mystery theater by Elspeth Eric, Elspeth Eric did not write this! Mr Marshall admitted his subterfuge at the end when he revealed that the episode actually was written over one hundred years ago by Charles Collins titled The Compensation House, and they altered the title, and removed the straight prose, but the plot remained the same. (I suppose after presenting a broadcast every day for 5 years the RMT occasionally runs out of original scripts and has to do this. Ms. Eric got rewarded with an easy paycheck.)

D.C. Klinkensmit

This is an EXCELLENT CBSRMT episode!!! Very captivating and entertaining. It is very well written and a great example of Elspeth Eric at the top of her craft. Any CBSRMT episode with the smooth and velvety voice of Norman Rose, makes it a real pleasure to listen to.

Eric Templeton

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