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Murder on the Space Shuttle


In this outer space murder mystery, the legendary Sherlock Holmes meets the equally famous Buck Rogers.



Air Dates

  • First Run - March 9, 1981
  • Repeat - April 30, 1981





47     11

8 Responses to Episode 1169

Pretty standard whodunit... except it takes place 700 years in the future on a spaceship. Maybe sci-fi fans will get more out of this than I did. Oh, and just so you know, that synopsis above isn't literally what happens in the episode. The audio quality isn't great on this one.


Ok - Sci-fi mystery. Decent plot and nicely played. Sit back and enjoy


A sci-fi whodunnit of the highest order! They don't make 'em like this anymore. Truly a delight. I listened to this one several times. I wish there were more like this.


Highly entertaining episode! Captain was delightfully, horribly acted! Fun listen!

Melanie C

Embarrassingly bad. This had to be a first (and only) read for the man playing the captain. Paul Hecht (unsurprisingly) was a pro with his part but he couldn’t carry the show despite his best attempt.


Not my kind if story at all. I found it boring. Oh, well.


A very vanilla episode - no real suspense and quite predictable. The manner by which they try to figure out who the killer was very illogical to me. Best thing was the correlation between the space shuttle references in the script aligning with the news at the tail end (after the clock commercial) that talks about the launch of the Columbia shuttle piloted by John Young and “rookie” Robert Crippen (who happened to become a very experienced pilot.)


A sci-fi murder mystery set in the year 2675 Paul Hecht's performance is engaging (as always). On my 1st listen I thought Gordon Heath as the captain was so wooden. On my 2nd or 3rd listen he grew on me, reminding me of Sisko from "ST:DS9". While aiming for "Star Trek" atmosphere, the episode falls short, leaning closer to the low-budget feel of John Carpenter's "Dark Star". The sci-fi beeps & video monitor noises are very annoying & distracting. Perfect for a campy listen, MST3000-style

Cindy Caldwell

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