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Second Sight


A vagabond called Larry Millard is convicted of a murder he did not commit. He is embroiled in a diabolic scheme by businessman Glen Paxton who is going blind and covets Millard's eyes after the execution. But mysterious events start happening to Paxton after the success of his scheme, things he never planned for.



Air Dates

  • First Run - February 27, 1978
  • Repeat - July 29, 1978





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16 Responses to Episode 0789

A blind detective is called out of retirement to investigate a murder committed by the safe cracker that blinded him. He becomes convinced of the safecracker's innocence and tries to prove it.

C.J. Klein

Surprised no one's commented on this show yet. It's got a bit of a different ending than I was expecting, but that wasn't called attention to the guy wrongly imprisoned and (apparently) what a good person he was. 1974 was a vintage year for the RMT. So, IMO, was 1978, the year this program was made. I liked it when Earl Hammond talked in his "country" voice. He was a very talented vocal/voiceover actor.

K. Lachama

This show has a lot of what I really like in a good RMT show. Some of my favourite story lines involve getting what you wish for and then regretting that it came true, or those where a character thinks he has gotten away with something only to find, through a turn of events, that his own deed which he was so proud of unexpectedly comes back to haunt him. I, too, enjoyed that twang in Earl Hammonds voice.

Manny O.

Its all been said here. Again, a nice choice for episode of the week.There was another episode with the same title.


I really enjoyed this episode (what a nice surprise since I had never heard it before)! I was nearly convinced (like the wife) that she was going to get away with it. I loved how the case was figured out and solved by the former officer who could no longer see. I think it's great listening to a show like that as far as making me more aware of my surroundings to a greater degree than the usual. It's fun to notice what most people miss.


I gave this show a 3 even though it should be a 3.5 On my scale, I gave it a seven, which I use when I enjoy a show, but nothing really jumps out at me. Our story is pretty linear. It moves from beginning to end with nary a twist. The irony of our hero working to free the man that disabled him could have been played up just a little more. However, the main character is is interesting, well developed, and well played by Fred Gwynne. He is not overtly bitter like the hero in "The Deadly Blind Man's Bluff". He is much more complex, dealing with his adversity as it was dealt to him. Nice pick.

C. Briggs

I enjoyed this story. Even though the detective was bitter towards the man that caused his blindness, he still felt he had to do what was right and he knew the thief's M.O. and was able to figure out how who the true murderer was. Thanks for a good story.


You know, I thought that was Fred Gwynne when I listened. I still have a tough time getting past "The Munsters" whenever I see or hear him. Hard to believe he's been gone for 10 years already....... I thought the storyline was okay, but I prefer skits that carry a bit more suspense than this one carried. I was also left thinking the writers must have worked really hard at making this episode last more than 30 minutes. Hats off to them.


COOL! The second spisode I taped as a kid. I have heard it a few-hundred times probably since it aired. I have always liked Fred Gwynne. I thought that the character development was decent with him, and liked how he worked with his partner. The only thing that was kind of odd I thought was that any decent police precinct should be able to do their job without bringing in an outsider. Maybe it is just me though. Anyway, I'm going to listen to this one tonight . . . again!

Rowan Franco

I really enjoyed this play as a solid detective story. Fred Gwynne was exceptional, as usual, and Sam Dann wrote a solid story. I know most people think of Fred G. as Herman Munster but I see him as the judge in "My Cousin Vinnie ("What did you say? Two yutes?"). The man has an exceptional presence and a booming voice. I particularly like that this show was selected using a quasi-random selection process.


I give this episode a 4. I enjoy listening to Fred Gywnne, he has a great radio voice and complements the RMT episodes he is in. I think "Second Sight" is a decent detective story and kept me guessing until the end. Good pick for a show.


i liked this show mostly because Fred Gwynn was in it. if i had to name an actor that personifies cbsrmt for me it would be Mr. Gwynn. he's one of the only actors i can remember. i think i like him in all the things i've seen and heard him in. the episode reminded me of a Columbo episode with the twist that the detective holds a grudge against the guy he's trying to clear. Fingers was also a likable guy. was the wife also the temptress from THE 36th MAN?

Kimberly Clarrise

Speaking of the 70s (on another thread) remember the brief but (as I recall) enjoyable TV series in the early part of that era named "Longstreet", starring James Franciscus as a blind investigator who lived in New Orleans? That's what I wondered if this was going to be like...may have been inspired by it. But listen to that dialogue between Gwynne and Earl Hammond's ("fingers") characters as the detective confronts the crook whose actions ended up blinding the former. Nice choice.


I rate this episode ★★★★☆ for GOOD. I really enjoyed the portion of a Fantasy-Mystery that adds flavor to this Drama-Mystery. It was like 10% of the TWILGHT ZONE added into the 90% of ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS. This mystery tale, written by Percy Granger, was really well done except for one missing part: the Resolution. There was a great plot, a variety of good & evil characters, surprising plot points, and a decent climax. We all know that the villain was going to get punished in the end, but we don’t know the Resolution about our other characters. And furthermore, what I really wanted to happen to the Villain at the end, was for him to go blind completely! Either his new eyes would stop working after he realized what he has done, or even he stabs his new eyes with a sharp object so he would never have to “see” the ugly truth ever again. The Title of this CBSRMT episode fits for this kind of story, but they could also title it in many ways like “The Affliction,” “An Eye For An Eye,” “Justice Is Not Blind,” “The Ironic Gift,” “The Eyes Have It,” or “See The Ugly Truth.” I enjoyed the music in this because they used tracks to build up the suspense in all 3 Acts; especially at the 15-minute mark where the sound of a dooming disaster kicks in. The sound effects of the doors, rotary phone, drinking glasses, cell block prison bars, newspapers, footsteps, romantic music playing on the radio, tableware clinking, the farewell letter, doorbell, contract papers, howling wind, car engine running, brakes screeching, typewriters & phones at the police station, and the writing of the pen worked effectively in this tale. In our Host’s Prologue, the great E.G. Marshall jumps right into the topic of Eyes. In ACT-1, not only he points out that crime doesn’t pay, but also points out that White Collar criminals go free on a technicality (and that’s been happening for many years) and jump into where our story begins: a murder taken place at a farm house near a major city. Later, he makes another point that the eyes are the window of the soul and through time, not only do we see out upon the world, the world may also see in. In ACT-2, after explaining the previous events, he asks if the eye transplant is for revenge or charity. Later on, he informs us all that this is a bizarre form of revenge…an eye for an eye. In ACT-3, he mentions Cassandra, daughter of Priam who ruled Troy, and note that her truthful words could’ve saved her city, but this villain’s truth could destroy him. In the end, he mentions the phrase; “with one’s eyes open” meaning to proceed with no illusions and Justice was not blind in this particular story because of a mysterious avenging force. In his Epilogue, E.G. Marshall discusses the examples of Character Flaws and wonder if our main villain’s situation was a force beyond comprehension or an overriding sense of guilt. Personally, I would say “both.” And finally, our outstanding cast: Court Benson (Glen Paxton & Jarvis the Attorney), Earl Hammond (as Larry Millard & Doctor Sones), Bryna Raeburn (as Judith Paxton & Clara Hadley), and Robert Kaliban (as Lieutenant David Rambo & Tip Foster). I’d give a round of applause to all 4 actors for playing 2 roles each. Listen to Earl Hammond’s voice at the 10-minute mark when he hollers, “What?!?” And listen to Bryna Raeburn’s voice at the 19-minute mark and 31-minute mark as she screams, “What?!?” They didn’t exaggerate their tone within the dialogue, but I thought it was amusing. SPECIAL NOTE: If you have the CBS Radio Mystery Theater Episode Guide Book, you will notice a TYPO: Earl Hammond’s character’s last name is misspelled as “Milland.” Anyway, this is a good episode that everyone should tune in to. Plus, it has commercials on 2 vehicles: the Buick Electra and the Buick Century. Until next time…pleasant dreams. =0)


This one is an implausible, boring, dated, predictable slog. Not my favorite.


I'm so confused by the comments on this one. I've listened for a long time, I love listening to episodes with Fred Gwynne - but I don't hear him in this one. And, unless I misheard it - the detective isn't blind - and I don't know about a safecracker in the episode. Now the name "Second Sight" matches the contents of this story about a (falsely) condemned murderer donating his eyes to the actual murderer. I went through the episodes that Fred Gwynne is credited with - and there is one named "Second Sight" - but it is not this episode. That one was about a safecracker. Regardless, I enjoyed listening to this one.


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