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The Silent Witness


A Hawaiian banker is haunted by a vision of an open grave in an American cemetary. His new assistant's wife brings back painful memories for him.



Air Dates

  • First Run - May 30, 1977
  • Repeat - October 11, 1977





51     14

4 Responses to Episode 0656

This was first broadcast on the day I was born! I hope it's a good one.

Johnny Daring

Since you didn't come back on to express your opinion, I take it that you felt the same way as I did as I struggled through these 43 minutes. This episode is about as interesting as watching paint dry. If you have insomnia, can't sleep, and counting sheep does nothing for you - recommend you listen to this episode, it will do wonders putting you to sleep.


I hate to admit it, but D.C. is right. I found this episode to have potential in Act I, but then it literally went no where. Yes, if you have insomnia, give it a try. For what it's worth, the cast did a good job with what they had to work with. (Well acted)

Dan from S. Jersey

The short synopsis sounded so promising and Ralph Bell is tops as usual. But even he can’t redeem this one. Can’t recommend.


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