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Orient Express


An estranged couple chance upon an unlikely reunion aboard the legendary Orient Express en route to Czechoslovakia. In this tale of international intrigue set during the Cold War, a shrewd reporter and sassy lounge singer become entangled in a web of lies and they must work together to uncover the truth.



Air Dates

  • First Run - February 21, 1977
  • Repeat - June 19, 1977





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6 Responses to Episode 0604

A reporter and lounge singer, once a couple, are reunited on the legendary Orient Express bound for Czechoslovakia. On the way, they meet with spies and counter spies in this Cold War story of international intrigue.

Calvin Xavier

Spy thriller!

Gina Schackel

Title is misleading. There aren't any orientals in it. This is about two Americans (man and woman) transporting 'secret government papers' and trying to elude German and Russian spies in East Berlin, circa 1969. Dialog near end even hints at a Bogart / Bergman Casablanca type romance, however the actors portraying them sound no where near as romantic as Bogart and Bergman.

D.C. Klinkensmit

Seriously? You do not know what the orient express is? The title is misleading, but only because it may suggest a link to Agatha Christie’s classic story


The story was about Czechoslovakian spies and dissidents, not Germany or Russia, (although the Soviet Union was involved, since it was the Cold War).


I'm not usually a fan of international intrigue, Cold War spy dramas, but this one was well done. I enjoy the way Marian Seldes portrays Czech people speaking English. She has played at least one other Czech lady in another episode, and somehow she pulled it off and sounded natural. She has the Czech mannerisms down, unlike other actresses on this show. I also liked the romance between the hero and Lillie, (the Czech woman in this story). They seemed to genuinely care about each other, which was refreshing. Also, it's funny how she teased him at the end, (but I won't give the ending away here).


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