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I Pronounce You Dead


A girl's teenage angst leads her to witchcraft. She awakens from a dream believing she has killed her family.



Air Dates

  • First Run - February 7, 1977
  • Repeat - May 29, 1977





79     22

15 Responses to Episode 0596

bravo, morgan fairchild- fantastic perormance!!!


A girl's teenage angst leads her to witchcraft. She awakens from a dream believing she has killed her family.

Edgar Jones

One of Morgan Fairchild's finest moments on CBSRMT!

Dale haskell

Great script. I agree, Morgan's performance was the best I've heard so far!


Fantastic performance by Morgan Fairchild

Gina Schackel

Precautionary tale for teens exploring the occult. I thought this episode was pretty good.


Can someone explain to me if this was all a dream? If it was - then why were all the sleeping pills gone? Did she take them all? I love this but was a little confused :)

Tia Markovich

I believe she actually had the power to kill and resurrect. It makes for a better story and a good one at that!


This one was really good. Interesting story.


I Pronounce You Dead is my favorite one.


No offense to those who liked it, but personally I think it was the most uninspired and meaningless bunch of words I've ever heard strung together. But that's just my opinion.

Charles Swanley

Didn't get the end...kind of fell flat


Same here. Morgan Fairchild was rather good but the story itself didn't really make sense. About 3 storylines jumbled together & didn't mesh. ⭐️⭐️.5


I like radio drama, and hearing Morgan Fairchild on the radio is a treat!

Mark Blevins

One of Elpseth Eric's more ridiculous scripts. Morgan Fairchild's character is such a brat & her "guru" is all over the spiritual map. However "The Fellowship of the Ancient Mind" was a real "new age" group in 1950-70s. Spiritual researcher EJ Gold became a member of this small group of telepathic spiritual seekers, who aimed ‘to locate the entrance to the Inner World’. They were also called ‘Sneakers After Truth’ & ‘The Goon Squad’ (Gold 1977: 25, 154) & the group claimed to be 6,000 years old. Each member possessed a special skill, such as hypnosis, knowledge of architecture, manufacturing ritual objects, or martial arts. Bringing their separate fields of knowledge together, they sought to discover ‘the location of the hidden brotherhoods in which [they] were able to receive the means to crystallize [their] separate knowledge into a unified and coherent whole’ (1977: 154-56). In Mar 1969 a dozen members of the Fellowship of the Ancient Mind visited San Francisco City Hall to apply for a salvage permit to “restore the city” after the future "big earthquake" hit. Sadly, they hadn’t foreseen the required $66 fee.

Cindy Caldwell

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