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Every Dog Has His Day


Two brothers argue over their father's estate with one accusing the other of murder. The real heir could be the dog. Meanwhile, their father's lawyer's daughter is in love with both of them and must choose.



Air Dates

  • First Run - August 2, 1976
  • Repeat - October 25, 1976





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5 Responses to Episode 0503

Two greedy brothers fight over their father's money and the woman that they love. After their father's death, Whisky the dog continues to mysterious show up growling at his master's killer. Eventually Whisky must do more than growl and bite, he uses a gun against his master's son.


A rich old man sees his health failing with each passing day. Only his faithful servant and beloved dog are at his side continually. His two sons, born with silver spoons and attitude, have little use for their father apart from his money. The father's close friend and lawyer is keen to see one of the sons wed his daughter to secure their combined affluence. As the end draws near, the lawyer is anxious to have the old man prepare a will, the sons are too, but the old man holds out to see who is worth of his fortune.


An interesting supernatural tale. A fairly good listen, but not one of my favorites.


I rate this episode ★★★★★ for EXCELLENT. Ian Martin's story is flawless! A terrific Drama-Mystery of 2 faithless brothers and 2 faithful servants. And one of those particular servants is a Dog. "Every Dog Has His Day" is a perfect title. Another way to title this would be "The Premonition." The sound effects to the brandy bottle, glasses clinking, stagecoach, front door bell ringing, horse galloping and neighing, howling wind, writing of the will, gun triggered, gun shot, and body thuds worked perfectly well. But of course, the sounds of the Dog whimpering, howling, and growling took the cake. And who also took the cake in this tale? Our cast: Court Benson (as Chadsworth and William Tremain), Russell Horton (as Bishop Rokesby), Morgan Fairchild (as Antoinette Tremain), and Ian Martin (as Squire Samuel Rokesby and Beauregard Rokesby). All 4 of them did splendidly. Morgan Fairchild & Russell Horton played their parts to a T. Both Ian Martin & Court Benson stole the show the most. In our Host's Prologue, E.G. Marshall starts the show off by observing how men & pets resemble each other. In ACT-1, he notifies the fans that there's raw hatred between the antagonists while our protagonists observe. In ACT-2, he goes deeper into the story by pointing out the disintegration of the family. In ACT-3, after hearing the satisfactory ending of our antagonists & protagonists, our Host asks if men & pets could change the ends of the leash and no one would notice the difference? In his Epilogue, E.G. Marshall informs us about the Resolution of Thomas Chadsworth and his Dog. As for the music, especially using tracks from THE TWILIGHT ZONE series, worked well. In fact, this story would've been suited for THE TWILIGHT ZONE or THE NIGHT GALLERY. To all CBSRMT fans that enjoy mystery stories involving dogs, this is one episode you cannot pass up on. Until next time…pleasant dreams. =^D


Disappointed by his two sons — Bishop, whose only interest is making money, and Beauregard, who can only spend it — Squire Rokesby has just his dog, Whiskey, and his servant, Chadsworth, to console him. In fact, just before the squire’s death, Bishop forces his father into willing the entire estate to him. Beauregard soon, accuses Bishop of deceiving and then murdering their father. Whiskey ends the family feud by making sure each son gets what is coming to him.


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