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The Walking Dead


In the future, all androids are mindless robots with one exception-- Rex, who is the most advanced of his kind. Society is threatened when he acquires a macabre obsession-- murdering women.



Air Dates

  • First Run - May 20, 1976
  • Repeat - September 12, 1976





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16 Responses to Episode 0484

A futuristic tale of a time when humankind has been able to genetically reproduce androids which are then used as slave labor. James Valentine owns Rex, an advanced model android capable of doing almost anything...including murder. This story deals with everything from bigotry to the nature of what it means to be "human." A good listen, particularly for the sci fi fan. Genre: Science Fiction

Julie Ann

In a future society, androids are mindless servants. However, Rex -- the most modern and complex of the androids -- develops a passion for killing women.

Miranda F.

A Spanish war soldier killed in action at the now-president's side is a local hero. His widow, mourning him for three years is planning now to marry a wealthy man long known to her and her dead husband. In fact, the wealthy man had some influence in the husband's perilous assignment, as did the wife. when the dead husband appears just the day before the wedding.

Mr. Strothers

Pretty good show. I want to say it was written to symbolize some social issues - using Science fiction to get the point across - kinda like Rod Serling did in many episodes of TWZ.

Glenn M.

Good episode! I have written before about my love for Sci Fi. This is like that. One of the better ones.

Ruth Claire

I'm usually not one for the SciFi episodes, but I enjoyed this one. I love Jack Grimes'voice especially when he's exuding devilish wiles (ep. 236, The Stuff of Dreams) or boyish charm as he does for a little bit in this one. Substantial build-up in the first two acts and nice action in the 3rd act with a clever ending.


After listening to the very good Sci-fi Episode the "god Machine", i saw the commenter J KID suggested this episode, as the best SciFi Episode of Mystery Theater-"The Walking Dead". Although I am not a devotee of this Genre, and probably have not heard all of them on CBSRMT, I must agree that this is Excellent in every way! Its plotting, pacing, acting, suspense, deep philosophical ideas are all superb. The ending leaves a deep imprint on your mind, you can visualize the scene perfectly as EG Marshall starts saying his final words. Over the years I have heard some good Sci fi episodes, such as Dimension X "There will come soft Rains", but I think that if there was a Hall of Fame for Sci Fi Radio Episodes, this would be right up there.


A good story about what it means to be human. I did like the comment in the story about who owned whom, especially if you look around today at people with their smart phones.


Liked this one very much! Not what I expected based on the title. I liked how they used the parallel of slavery of people to that of this situation. The people calling some lovers of the androids (Andy lovers etc... Check this one out! well worth a listen!


I rate this episode ★★★★☆ for GOOD. What’s interesting about Alfred Bester’s writing, is that it’s Sci-Fi entertaining. Many of the CBSRMT episodes that he has written, such as #0463-THE BOY WONDER and #0557-NOW YOU SEE THEM, NOW YOU DON’T, is enjoyable and can put listeners to the edge of their seats. This Fantasy-Mystery was well done, except for one part: the finale. It was a decent ending for the Android to make history for himself and for other androids, but I think it needed more action in it. Like an epic battle of “Man VS Machine” with more sound effects rather than just dialogue. The title had a punch, but a better title for this tale would be “The Android Slave” or “Andi Blood.” The music was splendid; great suspenseful tunes to move the story forward. The sound effects for ACT-1 and ACT-2 were supportive, but not much in ACT-3. In ACT-1, you’d hear howling wind, buzzer, doors, and bell dinging. ACT-2 had the background noise of the workshop, footsteps, human body thud, and the blast lamp torch. In ACT-3, all it had were gun shots and a helicopter. But more importantly, our Host & our Cast. In his Prologue, E.G. Marshall starts off by interviewing one of our main characters: an Android named Rex. In ACT-1, he sets the scene up: 1,000 years in the future where humans colonize planets and our story begins on the planet Paragon. Later on, E.G. Marshall jumps in to talk about the planet Deneb-Alpha. And then, he ponders about this particular Android that has developed emotions. In ACT-2, E.G. Marshall makes a valid point about mankind & their creations when he said, “Man invented the car and computer to be servants, but end up as the slaves of our servants.” In ACT-3, he states that the future will not solve our problems, only change them. More than that, understand that the Android named Rex is a slave--bought, sold, and used. And there can be humans who are Andi-Lovers/Sympathizers. After the climax, the Android made history: to become a man. In his Epilogue, E.G. Marshall ask the fans many questions about who gets to be in control. His narrations and Alfred Bester’s story would’ve been perfect for an episode of the TWILIGHT ZONE series. And finally, our cast: Paul Hecht (as James Jason Valentine and Harry), Rosemary Rice (as Mari Sutton), Jack Grimes (as Rex: the Android), Joan Shay (as Dallas Burton), and Gilbert Mack (as Nicholas Rostov). Both Actresses played their parts terrifically. Both Gilbert Mack and Paul Hecht were excellent, but I think the Actor who stole the show was Jack Grimes for playing Rex. Him portraying an Android controlling his emotions was a gripping performance. If you enjoy sci-fi tales, check this episode out. But also check out other episodes about talking robots: #1051-PRISONERS OF THE MACHINES, #1096-LIFE BLOOD, and #1345-KILLER CRAB. Until next time…pleasant dreams. =0)


I have really enjoy the episode and well written.


Liked this one very much! Not what I expected based on the title. I liked how they used the parallel of slavery of people to that of this situation. The people calling some lovers of the androids (Andy lovers etc... Check this one out! well worth a listen!


Rex, an android grown chemically from proteins and minerals into human form, dislikes being the slave of James Valentine, whose every order he must obey. Though androids are not supposed to harm, lie or kill and crime is unknown on the planet Paragon, Rex suddenly goes berserk, killing a woman. Valentine quickly flies him to another planet, Deneb-Alpha where a scientist, Nicholas Rostov, suspects that Rex has tired of his role and has resorted to violence to prove himself a man.


A tough listen. Mediocre at best. Ironic that I have to click a box to prove I'm not a robot before leaving this comment.

Commodore's watch

Although it breaks the three laws of robotics, it seems to be a take on an Isaac Asimov story - about a malfunction in an android - giving him quirks that make him beyond his programming. It's interesting to me to see how we speculated about the future then - and perhaps how ignorant we will always be about the future. I really enjoy the old newscasts and commercials in these stories. I will say, however, that I found the commercial at 41:03 about the "Mental Health Association" a bit weird and off-putting. (although, I'm glad it's in here because it is part of what defines the 1970s) The commercials really set the stage for what I remember about the 1970s when I was in my teens, and I loved listening to these nearly every single night as I went to sleep.


This story is a dramatization of Bester's beloved short story: "Fondly Fahrenheit" first published in the August 1954 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. In 1999, "Fondly Fahrenheit" ranked 4th in Locus's poll for the best novelette of all time. It has been included in a large number of prestigious science fiction anthologies, including The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, The Road to Science Fiction and Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories.

Henry Kanabus

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