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Tom Sawyer, Detective


All grown up and a successful lawyer, Tom Sawyer is now faced with his most difficult case. He must get an acquittal for his Uncle Silas who has been charged with homicide.



Air Dates

  • First Run - January 5, 1976
  • Repeat - November 15, 1976
  • Repeat - August 11, 1979





132     28

4 Responses to Episode 0408

MARK TWAIN SERIES: CBS Radio Mystery Theater produced a total of eleven adaptations from Mark Twain's works for the show; nine were written by Sam Dann with Ian Martin writing only two. [0119] The Real Printer's Devil [0408] Tom Sawyer, Detective [0409] Is He Living or Is He Dead? [0410] The Belated Russian Passport [0411] A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court [0412] The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg [0413] The Stolen White Elephant [0414] The Mysterious Stranger [0937] The Dead House [0984] A Curious Experience [1002] The Goddess Caper** The show always tried to kick off each new year of their Anniversary (in early January) with a weeklong series written by the same author, and so Sam Dann wrote episodes 408 through 414 to launch the start of their third season. **1002 was based on “The Legend of the Capitoline Venus”

Mark Main

I thought I had read this one a long time ago, but I guess I don't remember it very well (if at all). I'm guessing the adaptation was fine as the story was Mark Twain's. Tom Sawyer was a good character even if mischievous when younger. Of course, that probably helped him when he was older (as in this tale) as he would think how other mischievous people would think and out think them. Bottom Line - a good story to listen to.


Fine audio performances by all vocalists. Presented in southern fashion and love the accents and pronunciations of this story's dialogue of characters.

d l w



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