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The Image


A self-absorbed author forces his will upon his wife and compatriots in an attempt to bolster his image.



Air Dates

  • First Run - December 22, 1975
  • Repeat - May 28, 1976





103     17

15 Responses to Episode 0400

As E.G. says, 'a TRUE tale of horror.' The narrator is the author's agent, and we watch the awful machinations of the writer through his adoring eyes, lending the entire play a sickening taint. The cast is deliberately small - only four characters, the two men and their wives - but it works as we see them all struggle in the author's web of conceit. The twist may be predictable, but is no less terrible to witness. A truly excellent story and play, recommended to all.


All this episode is about is Evans image and wanting to have his own child. I gave this episode 4 stars.

Don Heiland,Jr.

Good episode. A narcissistic author falls victim not to a crime, but to perhaps a crime of passion...of his own creating.


Odd but intriguing story that feels like a bookend to Eric's earlier (and superior) episode 'Help Somebody.' A charismatic but relentlessly narcissistic celebrity author sees every stage in his life as a piece of performance art. This has dramatic unintended consequences for his devoted inner circle and sends shockwaves through their own personal lives, changing them forever. Whether intentional or not, the ambiguity of the characters' "real" motivations makes this an interesting piece to think back on after listening.

Matt Sandwich

A very good story from Eric. I particularly enjoyed E.G. mentioning of making a cell within a cell reminded me of Michael Nesmith's (audio) book The Prison - we are the prisoners of our own minds/making (and only we can free ourselves).


This is an interesting episode that is typical author Elspith Eric drama- very moody, very vague, very bleak. I think there is a homosexual sub context here. If you listen closely to Doris, the wife of the agent/friend of Evan, you see that she several times alludes to her belief that her husband has homosexual desires for Evan, that he is a closet homosexual. His description of his relationship with his wife Doris as close companions is also an allusion. Also, very often he keeps repeating too often that he is Evans "Friend" that he likes him and does everything for him because he is his "friend". So there is a lot of layers here, and the end seems to imply the agent going back into the closet and turning to a family life, which is very 1970's. So I think the episode is not really about Evan but about the "friend".


Elspeth Eric stories are usually whimsical.. Not this one, but it was still enjoyable.

Gina Schackel

I totally didn't get the homosexual tendencies here. I felt the narcissistic overtones big time!!! Unless, the author is a closet homosexual and never consummated his own marriage with the wife he married for a prop. His total godlike submission to Evan could be codependency. His wife is a codependent as well. The have no life outside of him. Narcissists can sense weak people, and are drawn to them. In my opinion, Evan is a sociopath that deserves what he deserves. If he knew he was sterile, he wanted to hurt his wife with the fact of what he knew REALLY HAPPENED BETWEEN THE TWO HIS WIFE AND Stranger!!! He wanted it to happen, so he could hold it over her head. He was weak really. Not God like. Low self esteem. A poser. Only mighty because people looked up to his mirror image....


Sounds like a reality star of today.


The play was good but the book was terrible!

Bill King

Best-selling author Evan Eliot is rich, famous and wed to blue-blooded millionairess Christine Duer. Christine is strikingly beautiful and totally infatuated with Evan’s genius and machismo, yet she is strangely wan. Evan’s agent and alter ego, Billy, worships him, but even he can’t close his eyes to the mysterious transformation that has been brought on by the Eliots’ childless marriage. The ruthless Evan, in his inability to create a perfect image, forces Christine to make a choice that could lead to her own destruction.


This story is really heartbreaking in a sick, sordid way. It has a much more authentic feel to it than most of Elspeth Eric’s other fare. It is this very realistic aspect of human nature and desire to manipulate and control others that makes this tale so tragic.


A truly tragic tale, depicting the the far-reaching impact of the narcissistic lead character on those around him and the destruction left behind for those unfortunate enough to have been touched by him.


Good show allstar cast. Nice one from Elspeth


I have now listened to the first 400 episodes of CBSRMT. 999 to go!


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