CBSRMT Episode Information Next Episode


The Velvet Claws


A man talks to his counsellor and recounts the tale of his escape from a mysterious town full of people obsessed with cats.



Air Dates

  • First Run - March 27, 1975
  • Repeat - June 25, 1975





101     36

10 Responses to Episode 0246

Another one of my favorites. She looked like a large cat, a big fat mouser. Gordan Gould's voice is very distinctive and really fits with this character in this tale. This one is a Gem.


That's Gordon not Gordan.


A framing story of a man visiting his psychiatrist leads into yet another version of the CBSRMT "strange little town story" theme. The main character finds himself strangely drawn to the town, a woman who lives there, and the possibility that his true destiny lies in some past life he has experienced. Oh, and something weird about cats! An odd story that never really goes anywhere. Genre: Supernatural

Mark Gil

A man happens into a stange French town which turns out to be inhabited by... people who seem to know him and have an odd affinity for cats (I write, trying to avoid a spoiler). Yet another retitled adaptation. This episode is based on the story "Ancient Sorceries" by Algernon Blackwood... A story which was adapted somewhat more effectively on Escape. This version is, perhaps, closer to the original in detail and structure than the Escape version but it's simply dull.

Richard Allan N.

A middle aged single accountant breaks the monotony of his well scripted and comfortable life by jumping off a train while on holidays in a tiny village. Seeking out a motel, the cab driver is very enthusiastic about his home and intimates that the visitor may never want to leave. Getting the same message from the landlady of the inn, he feels both at peace, and ill at ease at the same time. Only staying the one night he awaits the cab the next day to take him to the daily train. When the cab breaks down and he misses the train he is forced to stay another day. Meeting the landlady’s attractive daughter, while out on a stroll, he sprains his ankle forcing him to stay even longer. Is it merely fate that is preventing his departure? Or are the larger forces at play?


A strange story that sort of reminded me of The Shadow Over Innsmouth. I'm not big on the reincarnation stories, but some of them are good. This one was okay.


This is not one of my favorite episodes. (Of course, this is just my opinion and other people may love it.) My impression is that the story rambles and doesn't seem to go anywhere. Also, although I love CBSRMT in general, I am not too fond of their overall attitude toward cats. It seems that (most of the time) whenever they do a cat story, the people involved with cats are either weird or sinister, or the cats themselves have something creepy about them. My question is, why? Why are most of the cat stories on CBSRMT so weird? They don't depict dogs in that sort of way, so I have to think that someone involved with the series didn't like cats.


The only good thing about this episode is the title. Love the title.


This story seemed reminiscent of "Scooby Doo on Zombie Island". Since the cartoon came later, I'm curious whether it may have partially inspired it.

70's Child Full of Grace

Love it! An honest episode with a tasty Twilight-zoney ending. But whatever was this dude thinking, going to a psychiatrist to counter a supernatural spirit? Science is impotent against Succubus ... or the spirit of Delilah ... or Jezabelle (there were elements of each in this coven) because they are bigger than mere nature, and science only addresses itself to natural phenomenon.


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