CBSRMT Episode Information Next Episode


The Doll


A professor obsessed with his niece uses a voodoo doll in order to win her love.



Air Dates

  • First Run - October 10, 1974
  • Repeat - November 24, 1974





113     24

25 Responses to Episode 0159

Episode 0159 and 1182 are both titled "The Doll", however they are uniquely different stories, not duplicates.

Mark Main

Good story - but what happened to the college student at the beginning? They never went back to that story line - did she just freak out or did the doll work?

Mike in GR

My idea for a way to rectify that would be: The girl survived and merely freaked out from great fear being put in her and Douglas used her reaction to show that in the old days, peoples' fear of dolls like those and the superstitions surrounding them was so real in the minds of many that they were just as deadly to them as any gun or sword today. That they feared them so that if their enemies did something to it, the victims would die- of fright. The bell rings and the students leave and Douglas apologizes to the girl for scaring her like he did, but she brushes it off, saying it was interesting to experience. Like she was in the mind of an old world person. She does say though that they are lucky. Douglas asks why and she says that all the stuff about voodoo and the dolls is just superstition playing with a person's head like the prof. said. Douglas agrees (albeit sounding a bit forced) and the girl leaves for her next class. Douglas then darkly ponders to himself her words of "fake", and "lucky."

Jacob Kusnerik

I'm the pround owner of many of the episodes. I love listening to them. It still takes me back to a younger time! The commercials are so funny.


An aging professor of anthropology, confronted with the reality of his young charge ready to start a life of her own with her handsome fiance, decides that his knowledge of black magic could help preserve the status quo. A familiar story gets a boost from a very meaty role for the villain, who becomes increasingly desperate as the situation spins out of control.

Matt Sandwich

"The Doll" was an average episode to listen to, but left the listener with many thoughts at episode's end. While manipulating to gain love sounds intriguing, those very same powers could be used to manipulate you. Professor Douglas screamed at his faithful house keeper Prudenza "I never want to see your ugly face again!" This would hurt anyone; especially Prudenza, who seemed to love the professor as much as he loved his young charge. And let's just say, he got his. Average story, great ending. 3 stars.

Davy Joe

A pretty predictable but enjoyable story of control via a voodoo doll.


This episode features a scene where a person is sticking pins into a voodoo doll and you hear the victims pained reaction as well? The scene is an unforgettable one toward the end of the episode, and involved a newly wed couple. That particular show scared the heck outta me when I first heard it on WCAU, Philadelphia (1210) way back when I was all of 8 years old or so. The other voodoo episode I always remember is "House of the Voodoo Queen"


Wow. Total ditto right down to WCAU radio !! I grew up in Cherry Hill. This is the only episode I can recall from hearing it from it's original broadcast. I was only 6 & it really scared me !! I like the fact that Virginia Gregg is in it. Mrs. Gregg was in virtually every other episode of Dragnet (1967-1970 run). I still listen to CBSRMT on the strength of my memory of this particular episode. My wife digs them too. We'll listen to them, particularly during weekends, in the dark while in bed together. CBSRMT: good for marriages !! Lol. Glad to hear that someone else holds a fond memory of The Doll & from the same original broadcast station. Btw, do you recall the radio simulcast in the afternoons that had a host for children while The Flintstones were on channel 48 or 29 ? He would watch the show, laugh along on the radio & explain things to kids or add color & anecdotes. No one I know from my age backet (51 in 2020) in the Philly market area remembers this....

Craig F.

A woman is very interested, and aware of voodoo tradition. Since the death of her parents, she is tended to by an old professor of voodoo who takes his task, and his art very seriously, and seems to have developed more than a paternal love for her. When she announces her intention to marry a young man, he becomes upset and jealous... Not wise to upset a master of the voodoo arts...

Fake American Kid

I like White Zombie better!


Creepy story!

Gina Schackel

Interesting story with a supernatural bend. Overall I thought the love story (as that's what it sort of was) was okay, but as someone mentioned above - what happened to the college student at the beginning of the story? Even just a quick line about it would've been nice. After what her uncle was doing, it also made me wonder if he also committed fratricide.


The female character was way too naive and malleable. She made the whole story unbelievable and weak.


Young women in real life are often naive and malleable, despite women's lib. Not every woman is a warrior queen, lol! Many modern shows often depict women as being "strong" and masculine, but it's actually unrealistic to make women act this way every time.


I liked that the entire cast only appeared in one or two RMT's each. A nice change of pace.


"I liked that the entire cast only appeared in one or two RMT's each. A nice change of pace." I think the reason is that this was one of the plays taped in California, a move Hi Brown would apparently do from time to time (to tape about a week's worth of episodes once or twice a year, especially in the earlier days of the series) with some of the actors he had worked with when they still worked in NYC, such as Karl Swenson who had appeared on sever episodes of INNER SANCTUM MYSTERIES in the late 40's and early 50's before his apparent move to CA by the mid-50's.

Dan in South Jersey

Professor Eric Douglas, an anthropologist, tries not to show his jealous when a young woman, Laura Fletcher, whose father he knew well, announces she is going to be married. To stop the ceremony, Douglas has his servant, a woman from a tropical island, make a voodoo doll in the image of Laura. The doll seems to cast a spell when Laura and her fiance go to a justice of the peace, Laura becomes violently ill and cannot go through with the marriage.


There are TWO copies of this SAME episode ("The Doll") on this site. One copy (which is poorer sound quality) is listed as an Elspeth Eric episode about twin brothers grieving the loss of their baby sister, BUT this is a mistake. The Elspeth Eric episode should probably be under another title and it does NOT have the same actors in the cast. It is a completely different episode and it seems to be missing from this site, or maybe another copy is located under another title? I just thought the mods should know about this.


An interesting episode on voodoo. The college student sets up the storyline of whether voodoo is real or all in the mind. Assuming an older man falls in love with his younger charge and uses hypnotism to try to get her to love him back but she loves another. The story is okay and worth a listen, do miss the commercials which add to the vintage feel and fun.


That professor was one evil, creepy dude. His inappropriate attentions on his young ward (ewww) are rebuffed so he turns to voodoo. Or does he? Is it real or a mind game?

Kathy D

This one is a much better story than the same one titled in episode 1152, though I do enjoy all of the episodes!

Jim K.

So Virginia Gregg, the voice of Mrs. Bates in Psycho, plays the old maid here. The other actress listed obviously plays the other part, of the bride to be.

Manny Balestrero

This was a very okay story. Predictable, moved along, spooky (but probably not scary to anyone over 12). I'll give it a thumbs up. BUT... even for the 1970s, that was some pretty astounding casual racism (and accidental racism -- I would bet that all involved were unaware of their insensitivity and likely even would have supported Civil Rights etc.). I think Himan Brown was wonderful for bringing back radio teleplays for this series and I loved it when I was young, but the man was born in 1910 and clearly from another era even in the '70s. Casually tossing off that she was "a savage" (savage!!) because her father was such an irresponsible anthropologist that he stayed in the jungle and raised her in, get ready to clutch your pearls!, Haiti. A white girl! Raised not just abroad, but in a land of savages. And that's just an unchallenged attitude that underlies this whole episode. It's like the old Tarzan movies that were made a full generation or two prior to this show. (I love those old Tarzan movies! But, oh, boy, they are problematic by today's standards and, rightly, would not be made that way today.) Putting that aside (it's hard to put that aside, but it's also wrong to judge yesterday's art by today's sensibilities), the episode is okay despite lacking any real surprising turns. But seriously, if cranking out magic dolls that were that powerful so easily, the world would be a very different place.


Harry Slesar stories are always worth a listen, especially with Virginia Gregg's great delivery.

Bill C.

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