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The Trouble with Murder


A wealthy lady hires an artist to paint a nude portrait of her. She becomes disturbed when he starts acting peculiarly. Her worries are well-founded as the painter has a nasty habit of mutilating his subjects once they have outlived their usefulness.



Air Dates

  • First Run - September 12, 1974
  • Repeat - November 5, 1974





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16 Responses to Episode 0147

Martin's black comedy about a serial killer feels like an attempt to recreate Arsenic and Old Lace, or maybe Little Shop of Horrors. Instead, it's just an off-putting mix of surprisingly gruesome violence (the murderer is nicknamed the 'Brooklyn Headhunter') and tired comic relief. The performances are a bit lacking, too, from the Runyonesque cops and prostitutes to the Norman Bates villain (it IS a pretty good Perkins, to be fair).

Matt Sandwich

This episode was fantastic. It is a bit different from the typical Mystery Theater fair--it dispensed with the drama and was actually a tragic comedy. The actor who played Wyatt was great. This is without a doubt one of Ian Martin's best. 5 stars.

Davy Joe

An artist is recruited to paint a nude portrait of an aristocratic woman. She gets worried when the artist behaves strangely. She should worry because he likes to dismember his subjects when he's done with them.

Joanna Darilay

Police are investigating the acts of a serial killer who leaves only the torso of the victim and takes the heads. When an eccentric little man shows up at the police station to file his weekly complaints, he is dismissed so they can get on to more important business. The little man journeys to his aunt’s house and brings with him an animal carrier. He asks his aunt if he can bury his poor deceased cat in her garden. A cool episode. Worth a listen.


I didn't even interpret this as a tragic comedy. It, sadly, may be more realistic than many of us find comfortable. Serial killers do things for reasons the rest of us just don't get. Crime drama, no supernatural elements.


Paging Roger Corman, paging Roger Corman!!!! Someone really liked "A Bucket of Blood." Right down to the cat reference!! Wow. I like the original Roger Corman directed movie better than this snoozer. This show tried very hard to be funny but it just didn't deliver. The main actor was just too dry and there were way too many references to "head jokes." I get it, I get it, he cuts heads off!! Ha, ha, ha!! The Jack-the-Ripper/prostitute add-on wasn't enough to help this episode. I also can't believe only one of the prostitutes had a record. (i.e. finger prints on file) Really!?! Too simple but at least the cats came out ahead at the end of the show.


All the "losing your head" jokes--HAHA! I think they worked in every one they could.


This was probably the first episode I heard when I was 9 years old. I was hooked. For the rest of the show's run, I would struggle to stay up to catch entire shows. So glad to learn of this site.


Difficult to believe only one of the five prostitutes had a record that the police could trace, but perhaps their vice department wasn't that good. I found it funny at the end he talks about killing his aunt, she talks him out of it and into turning himself in - "My aunt said it would be a good idea for me to turn myself in". He was definitely a sociopath.


This episode is fantastic. This episode reminds me of the movie Psycho! This man is definitely a sociopath who is a serial killer and a artist. He draws nude portraits of his victoms (prostitutes) then beheads them. Then he goes as far as talking about killing his aunt but his aunt talks him out of it. The rose garden in the back yard at the end of this episode really gave me the creeps! This episode is 5 stars all the way. A must listen!

Don Heiland, Jr.

This isn't my favorite episode because it's too gruesome for me, but it is quite good, for those who like this kind of horror story. I didn't ever consider this a comedy, even if there was a bit of silly comic relief in the episode. I thought this was a rather realistic interpretation of a psycho killer and the actor does a good job of portraying this type of person. Even the ending is realistic, when his aunt talks him out of murdering her. In real life, relatives often hold the kind of psychological power, the way she does over Hugo. It makes sense, especially when you consider that this guy is mentally ill, very childlike, (despite his murderous tendencies), and his growth is stunted. It was interesting to hear his thoughts throughout the episode, and his line of reasoning is quite different from the way most people think, but there really are people out there who think just like this creepy guy. This is certainly not a comedy, nor was that ever the intention, in my opinion.


OMG I wish I could unhear that! That episode is a complete tire fire. Inside a dumpster. That's also on fire.


This episode is very wicked. Still good in a perverted way.

Scooter D and the Greens

What is it they say, beware the common quiet ones? He complained to police who brushed him off. He is mentally unbalanced and the aunt had some part in that it would appear. There are unfortunately people like this in the world. Something like 2 our 3 operating at any one time in this country. Creepy story. Not one of my favs but worth a listen. Enjoyed at least the commercials in this one.


What is up with the picture of Jackson Beck? It looks a bit weird.

Jose Sanchez Gomez Jr

Hilarious! Very enjoyable from start to finish!

Jim K.

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