CBSRMT Episode Information Next Episode


Medium Rare


A man is relieved of a large sum of money by a pair of wicked gamblers. After his death, he uses a false psychic medium to wreak his revenge.



Air Dates

  • First Run - August 29, 1974
  • Repeat - October 25, 1974
  • Repeat - May 23, 1980





124     32

8 Responses to Episode 0141

A ghost uses a fake medium to get revenge on a pair of fellow gamblers who took him for big money when he was alive.

Nate Panambers

A phony medium bilks people ouf of money with the help of her out-of-work actor partner. At one séance, a real ghost appears, that of a gangster crook now in limbo until he purges his heart of hate. The ghost is probably going about it the wrong way, and the two are forced into helping him . The first act is quite amusing with the gangster rap 30’s style. Brilliant title too. The story was fun and explores the range of morality and individual concepts of right and wrong.


In fact, I liked this one. As I get older, I tend to enjoy "poetic justice" less and "change of heart" more. I wish real life worked that way. Ghost story.


A story in which you expected one ending and got another. Overall a good story and good acting. I wonder if the person who wrote the movie Ghost ever heard this one.


The movie "Ghost" was almost assuredly taken in part from this story.


Artie and Gladys are having trouble making ends meet in the spiritualist racket when a real ghost helps them out with a wealthy customer. In return, Handsome Harry (as the ghost prefers to be known), wants them to help clean out a Las Vegas blackjack dealer who stole his former girlfriend, Doree. With Harry’s help, Gladys wins; Tex the dealer loses and is out of a job. But Gladys and Artie balk at Harry’s last request — that they kill Doree.


This one gave me tears. Very touching story about true love.


Really enjoyed this episode! The acting was fabulous, loved the gangster talk style. A story that touches the heart, redemption in the end. How the path you choose matters, kindness, love, compassion. Enjoyed the commercials.


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