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The Way Station


When they accidentally overhear their father talking to men they know have already passed away, a pair of twins learn that there is more to their gravedigger father than they realize.



Air Dates

  • First Run - September 20, 1982
  • Repeat - December 10, 1982





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14 Responses to Episode 1371

Creepy. Very good acting. When the twins find a meeting of ghosts, all hell breaketh loose. Don't listen at night alone!


Well, I'm still waiting for a triplets show. This tale is suitably creepy and mysterious. The story, like a great many RMT stories and horror stories in general, relies on the prevailing western concept of the nature of the soul. Again for me, this often weakens the structure of a tale. Would a billion Hindus or a billion Buddhists get a kick from this story? I don't know. The acting was good, supporting roles good, and we identify easily enough our Nancy Drew -- Hardy Boys sleuths. Too bad the cosmos is so arranged that dead folks have just as many travails as the living. Bureaucracy, don't ya hate it? But at least mom and pop are together again at the end so we can all drink a toast to that. Sorry about my cavelier and wise-crack remarks. But sometimes it's all I can come up with.

Lady Crystal Palafox

this show has such gothic appeal about it. i love the little details of this program, like the church bell, the light wind, and especially the footsteps throughout the show. small details that define and forge a landscape that doesn't exist. it's fantastic. storywise, i suppose this program might graze in the realm of cliché these days, because we've seen it so many times, but i enjoyed the fresh take on the whole brother and sister uncovering the mystery about dear ol' dad. performances, especially Norman Rose, were solid. production was just terrific. and the story was good - perhaps not the best, but it was bizarre enough to hold me right until the end. however, like many RMT shows, the ending seems to come too quick and i often find myself listening to silence after the program, waiting for something more to happen, which of course, never does. the thing i enjoyed about this show also, was that it wasn't predictable. i mean, as events unfolded, they made natural sense, which gives the illusion of being predictable, but i think that is because the writing was so good and the performances so tight. it's easy to take these elements for granted in a good RMT show. anyhow, i'll be on the watch for a triplets show just for Mr. Miller! it was good to hear this one again. peace!

J. Lechter

I thoroughly enjoyed this program. It was especially gratifying to hear such a well-wrought tale come so late in the history of the series--often those early-80s Tammy Grimes episodes are unfairly dismissed, I think. Certainly the batting average of the show *was* lower by that point, but it's nice to be reminded that there were gems in every season of RMT. I did wonder a bit why Norman Rose and all the rest of the older people in the cast spoke in approximately Hungarian accents, while the two young protagonists sounded as if they'd come off the beach at Malibu with sand still in their bathing suits. Maybe the kids learned their American accents at Budapest University? You know, on another point, I have been unable to trace the source for this episode. I have never heard of Franz Monar (neither has Google). Are we sure of the spelling of the writer's name? I would love to track down the original story if I could. Nice choice overall. And I look forward to the triplets show....

Jamie R.

Ferenc Molnár is the writer referenced.


I enjoyed listening to this episode, about the 5th one I've heard now since more than 20 years ago. I admit I was waiting for the wife to come back through the French doors, but just the same, the whole episode kept my attention. I too wondered about the grown childrens' accents (or lack of accents). Thanks for selecting and I look forward to the next, triplets or no triplets!


There actually was one RMT show where triplets were was one of the RMT's anti-gambling shows (in this era that seems so quaint, yet so satisfying to know that they did so), one which featured Paul Hecht as an out-of-control horse bettor who was on the brink of losing his wife and everything else. It's got a happy ending (even though it seemed a bit unlikely)...if only I could remember which one it is...

Julius Abot

is that program called You Bet Your Life? that's the only one i can recall. it's from 1977, if that helps.

W. Ryan

I believe that's it (with Morgan Fairchild as Hecht's wife). Thanks! It's not like an RMT "twins" episode (the triplets are incidental and far from being the center of the plot) least they're in there.


I have listened to this one since I recorded it off the air. A real good story, but one of the things that nagged at me a lot throughout the years was back in that time period, were women even allowed to study in universities? Wasn\'t it commonplace back then for women to be housewives, nurses etc.? Maybe I think too much.

Milliecent J.

Quote: ... such a well-wrought tale ... ... I have been unable to trace the source for this episode. I have never heard of Franz Monar (neither has Google). Are we sure of the spelling of the writer's name? ... Bingo. That spelling is wrong. It's Ferenc Molnár. The Americanized form is Franz Molnar. In the episode intro, TG pronounces the name Ferenc. (In the book mentioned below, it is spelled Ferencz.) Quote: I would love to track down the original story if I could. You are in luck! has it. The story is titled "The Living Death". The story is different from the RMT episode, but you will recognize the characters of the Professor and the General. Since this is an anthology of stories by various authors, you'll need to use your browser's Find function to search down the file to find "Molnar". Search for it twice to find the story. At this time Gutenberg has only the plain-text version of this file (no nicely formatted HTML or PDF version). This is the only Molnar story in this volume, and apparently the only Molnar story available at Gutenberg. As TG said in the Act 3 intro, "this tale ... goes back generations. It has inspired many versions, and in fact was told to [TG] as his own invention by [her] grandfather."


Lewis Frederick brought new life to CBSRMT. This episode is no exception. Spooky and creepy. 4 stars.


This is one of the better CBSRMT episodes.


Lots of charming anachronisms like the use of clock hours by people far too poor to have a clock, much less sending children (and a girl!) to college.


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