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Deadly Darling Dolores


A conspiracy to destroy all animal life on the planet is exposed by a scientist.



Air Dates

  • First Run - June 6, 1974
  • Repeat - August 25, 1974





119     38

17 Responses to Episode 0102

ok, now i got it, whoever rated these seems to like the crime dramas a lot more than the supernatural or sci-fi ones. i'm exactly the opposite


Stacey - go search the link for Author and check Alfred Bester's work if you like sci-fi ones . . . .


"Machines just don't like me." This was an interesting interpretation of this specific kind of tale. Back in the day, a lot of people were computer-phobic largely because it represented another chapter in the mechanization that cost a lot of people their jobs. With computers now so ubiquitous that I can't help but use one to aid my enjoyment of Mystery Theater, it seems a bit paranoid now. However, this interesting twist in this episode is that it's not the computers themselves that are sentient and evil, it's that metal itself is alive and always has been! Science fiction.


A computer leads a revolt of "the metals" against the abuse of their human forgers and hammers. Just pure foolishness of a story and script that's not even campy. A role I bet Ms. Seldes would like to forget.

Julianna Rosales

OK...this episode's not quite the "Metal men" (and they were robots, anyway, and as a kid I always thought the platinum one "Tina" was a dish  ) but it reminds me of a quote from Mr. Spock in the original Star Trek episode of "The Savage Curtain", as he was describing a life form the ship's sensors observed: For a moment it appeared almost mineral. A woman real estate agent in New England has just lost a prospective client. She brought him into a house, but neither the lights nor the furnace works. In fact, NOTHING mechanical works in the house. After he leaves in a huff and she's scratching her head as to what happened, she's startled by a man who's been hiding in the house. He explains (while seeming a bit flustered and maybe just on the verge of incoherence) that he's a scientist on a top secret defense project who's been reported missing in the past few days. He also says something else...that the lights, etc. won't work because he's in the house. As a demonstration, he leaves it and asks the realtor to turn on the lights, which now work. The furnace is humming, too. He tells her that he and a fellow scientist, who died in a recent car crash, were using a very special computer on the project, when the other scientist demanded he shut it off. The scientist said the computer started talking to him, and that it threatened to kill him if it didn't do what the computer wanted...he said the computer promised that all metal would "fail" him. It apparently did...just after walking off the job (followed by the scientist telling the story) the other man got into his car, suddenly started driving at an uncontrollable speed and lost his life in an ensuing crash. The scientist tells the realtor he, too, has heard the computer (nicknamed "Delores") talk to and threaten him. He says Delores and her compatriots (apparently the "other side" (Soviets) have been working on a similar computer) want to end all animal life on the planet, so that they, the metal "life" can control it. The real estate agent thinks he's going bananas, in spite of his demonstration of the "failing" metal objects to her...

Julie Smyth

Scientists working on a super inteligent computer are plagued by voices from the computer itself criticizing the way humanity has used and abused metals. It promises to exact revenge and eliminate all animal life forms from the planet once their programming is complets. The computer demonstrates its' powers over metal by controling objects around them. Reminded me of the brilliant "2001 A Space Odyssey" plot set in a cheesy, but delightfully campy "Star Trek" set.


This episode is rare on Mystery Theater--there are not many sci-fi episodes on Mystery Theater. More episodes upon this genre take place towards the later years of Mystery Theater. This one is rare because it was performed in 1974. It was well done and fun to listen to. 4 stars.


"What a revolting development" of metal. I was thinking about metal in the body, but I guess it's more mineral than metal. If you believe that scene in X-Men 2 where Magneto pulls all the iron out of the guards' body that was injected into him, it still wasn't that much and probably couldn't have harmed him normally (unless it stayed in his system). Interesting thought, though and an interesting story.


Just found this site with all of the episodes! As a teen in the 70's, I used to listen to this program, and wondered what it would have been like to listen to radio like we we watched television then. I can hardly even imagine people listening to these this year. I love all f the old episodes....


Christine comes to mind.


This seems like a pre-cursor for "Westworld" (TV series)

Cindy Caldwell

I rate this episode ★★★★☆ for GOOD. I’ll start off with what I enjoyed the most. First, the cast: Nat Polen (as Dr. James F. Elliot), Marian Seldes (as Brenda Keller and Dolores), Earl Hammond (Dr. Bob Stoddard and the Sheriff), and Roger DeKoven (as Mr. Dawson and Admiral Goodwin). Both Earl Hammond and Roger DeKoven were great in their 2 roles. Marian Seldes playing Dolores, the talking computer, was amusing. Her character was a cross between Hal 9000 from 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (because it controlled objects to stop humans) and Audrey II from THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS (because it wanted to be fed). Nat Polen’s performance as the protagonist was wonderful and it’s one of his best roles on CBSRMT. The music had a lot of dramatic tunes and they worked very well into the plot. Sound effects of birds chirping, footsteps, light switch, telephone, computer beeping noises, car engine running, car honking, car crashing, opening the window, dial tone, laser blasts, city streets, tableware clinking, helicopter, computer circuits breaking, and computer powering down were extraordinary useful. There are 2 reasons why I didn’t rate this 5 stars for EXCELLENT. First: the script. Sam Dann’s science fiction story was certainly entertaining; a good story about Man vs. Technology. But this didn’t have enough character development on how Dolores, the talking computer, got programmed to be evil. During the 25-minute mark, Dolores says: “A scientist has no kind. He has only 1 loyalty and that is the Truth.” Did someone program her to have feelings so the scientists wouldn’t feel lonely? Or did she program herself? And why develop hatred towards animal life? Also, the main character mentions her sister’s name: Carrie Townsend, but she has no speaking part. Why create a character that has no involvement in the story? The title of this episode is gripping, though. Another way to title it would be “The Ultimate Weapon.” The 2nd reason is the Host. E.G. Marshall’s narrations about Mineral Life, beginning the story in Western Massachusetts, the concept that a computer can kill, putting ourselves in a character’s shoes to help, and clarifying the demise of the protagonist and the antagonist were intriguing. But the recordings of his narrations were cut short. Also, he made an error on the episode title by naming it, “Darling Deadly Dolores.” All in all, it’s a decent Sci-Fi mystery that’s worth checking out. BONUS: The episode preview you hear in the end is a scene from #0056-A LITTLE NIGHT MURDER. Until next time…pleasant dreams. =0)


Is this episode more truth than fiction? The age off electronics, where you talk to machines more than live people, very sad. The world is becoming more cold and impersonal, more people than jobs. What happens when everything is online and there are no stores left to shop at? When people sit around home more than they go out? A world of people to be lead instead of being able to think on their own as they pursue only what they desire and believe what they see online or on tv? Hmmm something to ponder.


This episode is even a bit strange for me. A Wu Banger Clanger!

Scooter D & the end of the green soliquoy

Silly premise but an enjoyable listen. I loved the 50s ‘computer is calculating malignantly’ sounds. I’ve spent a lot of time in Western Mass - my wife is from Lee. I’ve never met anyone who spoke with a downeast accent (poorly done at the beginning by the house hunter). The western Mass accent is similar to upstate NY, not at all to Mainers. Lol. That’s my nitpick for this one!


Too ludicrous for words. Of course Sam Dann writes the evil machine as a female. That man hated women! He actually had a character say "had not Dolores been Dolores; had she not been the eternal female, who must always have the last word." Sam Dann has me routing for the metal.


I know what you mean! It's fascinating to hear these stories 50 years later--the prejudice is noticeable. On a related note, I wondered why they didn't even cast a 2nd woman to do the 2 female characters. Not worth the expense? One woman is plenty because they're all the same? It adds an unintended level to the story that they sound the same apart from a slight robot voice style. ( LOL Now I click the "I'm not a robot" box. )


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