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The Guy de Maupassant Murders


The sensational tale of a serial murderer is followed by a judge and his attendant. The killer seems to exclusively choose young women as his victims and leaves tantalizing notes next to their corpses. The erudite attendant tries to trace the style of writing that seems oddly familiar to her but the judge keeps aloof.



Air Dates

  • First Run - September 26, 1977
  • Repeat - February 15, 1978




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11 Responses to Episode 0715

Sweet. Nice play off the Jekyll and Hyde theme! I really liked this one.

Amy G.

I love Fred Gwynn, but I can't help but think of Herman Munster saying 'grandpa'..


This episode was very good. Expected outcomes but very entertaining to listen to. I love Nat Polen from one of my all time favorites, Episode 278 "Return to Shadow Lake".

Mark W.

this episode is identical to episode 42 diary of a madman with different actors

Will D

Correction: Episode 62.

Jim D

@Will D, Yes, they did the same story with Larry Haines in the role of the insane judge. I personally think the judge in this story is creepier than Larry Haines' portrayal. Larry Haines sounds too nice somehow, lol!


Does anyone else find Fred Gwynnes "lip smacking" to be annoying as heck? I noticed it in earlier episodes and its either getting worse or I'm just paying more attention. He smacks his lips before every line.


I like to pretend Hermann Munster is just whispering in my ear. ha!


I felt this was one of the weaker episodes, insofar as suspense goes, because we start out early on knowing the who, and the how, and by act 2 the why… which itself is weak since his madness seems to coincide with a lack of calories in his diet? I guess there’d be an element of mystery to the original listeners as to where the quotes are coming from but for us the title rather gives it away. Still, I’m happy to have listened to the end since I didn’t know GdM was insane, himself.


Great episode! I’m a lifelong fan of the series and wrote for the NPR reissue in 2000!

Michael Carolan

Great episode. It was stories like this one that kept me up every night until midnight as a teen. Love every episode Fred Gwynn is in. Fond memories.

Christopher Fitzpatrick

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