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Distraught over the death of his wife, a failed author leaves his life behind him and sets out to lose himself in the heat and barrenness of Mexico. Along the way, he comes across a mother and daughter living in a commune and their strange bond inspires him to write again.



Air Dates

  • First Run - March 4, 1977
  • Repeat - July 6, 1977





89     29

21 Responses to Episode 0611

While the protagonist may have began with some self searching and good intentions, I definitely would"ve kicked him out of my house going after my daughter the way he did. I don't like twitchy people, abd what mother in her right mind would've pur up with that sort of behavior? Man was old enough to be a father to the daughter of her! Elspeth always has these weird, depressing stories. I wonder what her childhood was like.

Jim K.

I am thinking the same thing, but have figured both the mother and daughter can read his mind and see his character. Having said that, I'm still only half way through the episode. Larry Haines voice seems to remind me of Rod Serling somehow.


Elspeth Eric's stories so often deal with feelings of depression, loss, and redemption. I really would have liked to meet her and have lunch. But alas she died in 1993.


A failed author, distraught over the death of his wife, chucks it all and heads for Mexico. On the way, he hooks up with a mother and daugther who live in a commune. They share a strange bond that he finds fascinating.

Cyrus G.

This story is so fitting to the era. I think people placed greater stock in self-discovery through human interaction and getting away from hectic life back then. The man was bursting with repressed feeling and may have been over exuberant. I recall talking and feeling this way back then, in my late teens. It seems creepy now, perhaps, but was not as peculiar back in the introspective times.


1977 was still the height of Carlos Castañeda's fame. A rebirth of the self in Mexico seems fitting for the era.


I find Eric's writing to be melodramatic & heavy handed. this one was creepy - but not in a ghostly way. a strange man stays over night with a woman and her young daughter & behaves inappropriately towards both. maybe this was ok in the 1970s, but I listened to this story the same week that police discovered that a cleveland man held three young women captive for 10 years - the guy in this story just seemed predatory to me.


Another uncanny love triangle between a stranger and a mother and daughter with psychic connection, much like her other RMT story, the Red Frisbee. Strange, eerie, and haunting, I lived this little story of one mans personal redemption

Scott K

I don't think the guy was predatory at all. He needed a human connection and would have reacted to the slightest warmth. He said he was "dead". This was a rebirth for him. Perhaps he over reacted but under the circumstances I understand him. I like the way the music set the mood too.


I agree with Bob that Larry Haines's character wasn't predatory at all. He was very respectful toward both women, and gave off a very innocent but needy vibe to me. His wanting to kiss the daughter came off as, perhaps inappropriate, given their age differences, but in no way "smarmy" or vulgar. He so needed communion with another is all. And he talked to the girl's mother about it, thereby underlining the innocence of his approach, the lack of any sort of power-tripping or sexual dirtiness in his mind. And when talking about it to the mother, he clearly distinguished the way he tried to kiss the daughter from the way he wanted to kiss the mother. Me, I found this episode interesting, but then I'm a fan of Elpeth Eric and entertainment that goes to psychology (people are just so fascinating!). And Larry Haines is such a good actor, always good at portraying the kind of man that just busts your heart up into pieces. What a great voice he has -- sigh! I'm with GeofBrit who commented: I'd love to have been able to have lunch with Elspeth, too. And since GeofBrit thinks the same thing, I think I'd like to have lunch with him! LOL


Tracy, wouldn't that have been cool to meet Ms. Eric. I like most of her stories, and most of my fave CBSRMT stories are by her.


A very comforting story. Healing is a great gift.


Another weirdo episode from Elspeth Eric, who wrote a few episodes I liked, but most of them are just over-the-top psych dramas about strange, trouble people with serious issues. Ugh! This man is creepy, and if I met someone that needy in real life, I would RUN! Also, (@Tracy), he was lying to himself (and the mother) when he said he didn't kiss the young girl in THAT way. He certainly was lusting after the young girl, more than he would have admitted, and he was creepy about it. Having said this, I like Larry Haines very much. He is one of my favorite actors on the show. The script and the way the character was written was what made him seem creepy.


Weren't the 1970's the greatest time to be a kid? My cousin and I would stay the night in his tree house in the summer and listen to CBS Mystery Theater. We once got so scared after listening to MT, that we had to go into the house to sleep. 1968-1975 were the best years of my life!


Truly one of the most repulsive episodes written. I’m glad I didn’t hear this as a kid having lived through being prey to adults who thought that their messed-up needs validated inflicting “affection” on young girls who were not into them.


Good listen with a lot going on between all the characters. I agree that the desire to kiss the young woman was not of a predatory nature, but one of "love". She rejuvenated him, sparked all the reminders of what it means to be alive, and she was able to enjoy his company and to say goodbye in a way she was never able to relate to before because of her mother. Hard lesson for the mother as well. Loved the ending!


That did not age well. Very rapey.


I too found the behavior of the man to be disturbing and unsettling.


Just a weird story. The end was a bit of a pleasant surprise.


Contrary to what E. G. Marshall says in the introduction, "meaningful" is now in the dictionary:


☆ A quiet & somewhat disturbing (although i don't think that was Elpseth Eric's intent) tale. What started out as a touching story about a man overcoming years of mourning & depression, peaks with a weird implied anxiety-producing love triangle between the grieving drifter, an empathic woman and her 18 year old daughter. The conclusion is nice, though convoluted. Larry Haines & Jada Rowland are excellent.

Cindy Caldwell

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