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The Living Corpse


Henry Girard Flower Peabody VI, a member of Philadelphia society by birth and breeding, has always felt there was an element inside him that did not fit his sober side. As a young man, he kept his crazy, fun-loving girlfriend, Megan, a secret from his other friends and his strict but ailing mother. But when Megan suggests that Henry end his mother's lingering life or else, Henry realizes he can no longer lead a double life and must kill one of them.



Air Dates

  • First Run - October 14, 1976
  • Repeat - January 23, 1977





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5 Responses to Episode 0535

WOW! I smiled throughout this episode due to the clever writing and the excellent acting. Engaging storytelling with lush descriptions in addition to EG's spot on reflections. Highly recommended!


Great episode. I enjoyed all aspects of it. Recommended!

Rose Fondale

This is a great episode, one you should listen to twice! Once to take in the story on face value, as a romantic escapade, and the second time as a psychological descent to madness. When you listen realize how original this was in 1976! So many movies and TV episodes have since borrowed and stolen from the themes here, but realize that in 1976 this was very original writing by Ian Martin.


Professor Amadeus Valdemar, an unscrupulous hypnotist who is dying of consumption, learns that his wife is having an affair and makes a deal with her lover, Dr. Craig Nugent. He promises to give the young doctor his secret theory on mind control if Nugent, in return, puts him in a trance just before he dies. What Nugent doesn’t realize is that Valdemar’s real purpose is the ultimate destruction of his wife.


Professor Amadeus Valdemar, an unscrupulous hypnotist who is dying of consumption, learns that his wife is having an affair and makes a deal with her lover, Dr. Craig Nugent. He promises to give the young doctor his secret theory on mind control if Nugent, in return, puts him in a trance just before he dies. What Nugent doesn’t realize is that Valdemar’s real purpose is the ultimate destruction of his wife.


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