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The Golden People


Richard Paradon has it all, looks, brains, charm, talent, and the ability to make money -- or should I say the ability to bilk women out of theirs. Then he meets a woman he falls in love with at first sight. Can he put his past behind him to treat this woman right? She did promise to never leave him -- even in death!



Air Dates

  • First Run - August 19, 1976
  • Repeat - November 7, 1976





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7 Responses to Episode 0508

A conman prone to swindling rich widows actually falls in love. Can he put his past behind him to treat this woman right?


This Sam Dann play stars William Redfield, whose voice often made him sound on these programs like the actor James Woods' kid brother. He plays James Paradon, a handsome, charming ladies' man who's also somewhat a grifter. He finds homely girls with money, and charms them into a relationship with him (or into marrying him, as he's trying to do unsuccessfully with a young woman before her mother steps in to say she'll disinherit her daughter if she marries Paradon.) He goes back home to his sister's house. She feels sorry for him saying that their family thought he was so charming as an infant and young boy that they let him grow up mooching on them, never preparing him to take care of himself in the real world. Sis also suggests he take a walk out by a pond, where he meets a plain-looking schoolteacher voiced by the lovely Marian Seldes. Turns out his sister set the two of them up...the two ladies are friends. However, a strange thing happens. This incredibly handsome, charming man (who is said to be one of "The golden people" by Seldes' character...those who pretty much seem to have everything going for them in this world) finds himself genuinely falling in love with the plain lady. And she resists his charms, until he finally kisses her. They fall in love, and he seems to find a sense of peace he's never known before in all his years of skirt-chasing. That is, until an incredibly rich, beautiful, six-times-married-before woman stops by the place where he works... This, in retrospect, is a fascinating story on self-image and self-esteem told the RMT way. And do we catch E.G. in a fib in his second act closing? (If you parse his words, maybe not...)

J. Lanes

A money-hungry playboy uses his charm and good looks to catch women with huge assets and enjoys good living until it is time to move along. Between relationships his sister matches him up with a very plain unremarkable school teacher hoping to ground him, and elevate her. To his surprise he falls deeply in love with her and they become engaged to be married. Then along comes the motherload of feminine assets...


In ACT-1, we know right away our main character Richard Paradon (played by William Redfield) and his charisma. He hooks up with plain & modest Louisa (played by Marian Seldes). Listen to the sound of him kissing her at the 12-minute 57-second mark. It's short, but endearing. In ACT-2, Richard's sister Sally (played by Bryna Raeburn) thinks this relationship of Richard& Louisa is a bad idea, but Richard is happy with her. But then Richard hooks up with rich & old Jane Clark (played by Evie Juster). In ACT-3, Richard leaves Louisa for Jane and marries her. He breaks the "4th Wall" at the 32-minute 16-second mark to give us males advice on Marriage. Sally makes an announcement on the radio that Louisa died. Richard realizes that his "golden" life is fading. Louisa appears in front of Richard, but he thinks she's no longer real. Richard & Jane bicker and then attacks her. He doesn't kill Jane, but he ends up in being delusional, waiting for Louisa to return. Sally receives a letter from Louisa that she is gone, but in a good way because she moved on to a better life. And so, I give Sam Dann props for writing this May-December Romance that is spellbinding! Not only that, the music at the 18-minute 50-second mark makes this CBSRMT episode feel serene to all of us. The sound effects of the canoe in the peaceful pond went well, of course. And what better way to end this great 5-Star episode with the Epilogue by E. G Marshall who said, "No one stays on top forever. The problem in life is to know when to come down. And to descend gracefully without being pushed." Bravo! =0)


E.G. Marshall, in his cumulative monologues for the RMT, dispensed more wisdom than the anchors at ABC, CBS and NBC have given to America in the last 14 years COMBINED*. William Redfield, Marian Seldes, Bryna Raeburn and Evie Juster? WHAT A LINEUP FOR THIS! *Speaking of "up" and "down": "There's an old show business proverb: 'Be nice to people on the way up, because you never know who you're going to meet on the way down.'" - E.G. Marshall, in a CBS RMT monologue.


Lol Ed Norton said that decades earlier about the sewer.

Carlos encante

A fairly decent story about a narcissist (as I see him) and his relationships with women. I must not be one of the golden people as I don't believe I know anyone like this character (or at least I don't know them personally). Unfortunate for them they lead empty lives (1P1:18)


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