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The Corpse that Would Not Die


To marry his lover, a man kills her husband despite being his best friend. Soon the weight of both their sins begins to slowly poison their love.



Air Dates

  • First Run - June 7, 1976
  • Repeat - September 25, 1976
  • Repeat - December 22, 1979





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5 Responses to Episode 0489

A man murders his best friend so he can marry his friend's wife. But his guilt over the murder and her guilt for remarrying so soon slowly erodes their relationship.

Ginger Raymond

According to Shakespeare and this tale adapted from Émile Zola's 'Thérèse_Raquin', the love of wicked men (and women) turns to fear, then to hate and finally to deserved death. Listen well to this engaging naturalism study of temperaments to decide for yourself the import of social conditions, heredity, and environment as forces in shaping human character. The realistic acting boosts the creepiness factor to 100.


Not too bad of a story, but I thought it was somewhat predictable. However, that being said there was a bit of justice served in the end.


I am amazed that the couple didn't murder the old woman after she tried to tell about how they murdered her son. That was the amazing part about this whole episode, lol! They were such a self serving couple and they had murdered before, so what made them hesitate? The first time I ever heard the episode, I was expecting her to be their next victim. It was all the more surprising at the end of the episode when we heard her thoughts about how she would watch them destroy each other, and that would be her revenge. One got the sense that this couple would just live with this punishment and do nothing about it. I'm not advocating murder, but I am looking at it from the couple's perspective. They were really nasty, so it seemed as though they wouldn't hesitate to murder anyone who got in their way.


A painful story. Well done acting does a great job at bringing the pain to an unnerving level at the apex of the story. Crime doesn't pay.


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