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Death Pays No Dividend


A group of failed Wall Street financiers try to arrange their own deaths at the hands of a professional assassin so their families can collect on their life insurances. But an unexpected stroke of good fortune comes to them, though their appointment with death is still on!



Air Dates

  • First Run - March 13, 1975
  • Repeat - June 7, 1975





136     22

9 Responses to Episode 0238

Sorrell's character is just about to step off the ledge of a hi-rise and jump to his death before Benson's character (they're business partners in a brokerage firm (founded by Sorrell's character's father) that was swindled, but they're about to take the rap for it) and Shepherd's character (she's their secretary) convince him to come inside. The hard nosed senior partner seems almost disdainful when he's told of the near-suicide, but he invites the would-be jumper into another, seemingly more fruitful suicide pact...he and the other partner (played by Benson) are going to hire a hit man to kill them so insurance will pay (dearly) their survivors, who otherwise will get nothing. Sorrell's character reluctantly agrees to join in on the pact. The hard nosed guy says "Once we make this phone call (to arrange the hit) there's no going back." Sorrell's character finds he's not quite ready for eternity yet. He and the secretary (who seems to be his Girl Friday) go on a cruise, where as they're nearing home port they receive some wonderful news. He'd bought some "penny gold" stocks in a mining company as a favor to a friend years back. Originally nearly worthless, their value has gone through the roof with the mining company's discovery of a mother lode of gold. Hurray! The debts can be paid off. Sorrell's character phone's Benson's with the great news. He also says they can call off the little deal they arranged for. One problem...the hard nosed partner was shot dead where he stood that morning on the street. (A memorable line...his name was "Mr. Folger", and Shepherd's character says: "I'm going to go into Mr. Folger's office to make some coffee.")

Elaine Havana

Three businessmen in the middle of a corporate scandal agree to a suicide pact to escape the pressures and disgrace of their predicament. Fearing for the welfare of their families after their demise, they hire a killer to murder them thus ensuring their loved ones will receive insurance benefits. But once the hit is called, it cannot be rescinded… but why would they want to go back on their pact?


This was a pretty good suspense episode. I suspect a few businessmen have never heard of Murphy's Law!!! I think it would go something like: "Whenever you plan ahead for the worst, the best thing, ever, will happen to you."


This is one of my favorites where employees of a company going under devise a plan to have themselves killed so their families can claim their life insurance.


Another good listen, if not for the great line about coffee in Mr. Folger's office. An interesting way to get out of a contract hit on yourself (assuming you're the one who ordered the hit).


Good episode!!

Cathy Konicki

Certain they’ll be jailed for mismanagement of funds, three partners of a Wall Street firm plot their own deaths. If they commit suicide, their wives can collect no life insurance; so they make a contract with a professional killer to shoot them. After one has been killed, the other two and their secretary learn of an old investment in a gold stock that can cover the firm’s losses. But how can they stop the killer, whom they’ve never seen, from completing his contract?


I liked the ending of this episode more than some others. Good premise. It could have used another 10 minutes of airtime to flesh out the story more.


Good episode. Had me guessing till the very last. One of the better ones.


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