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Ghost Talk


A man dies and his wife is devastated by it. He finds out that he can communicate with her and she promises to never forget him. But later he finds out from an angel that if he persists in keeping his memory alive, she will be stuck in eternal limbo. So he must achieve the nearly impossible task of making her forget about him.



Air Dates

  • First Run - January 17, 1975
  • Repeat - March 25, 1975





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13 Responses to Episode 0207

Anyone else notice Bruce loses his ethereal voice for a few seconds while speaking with Melba? Maybe he wasn't really a ghost!

Mike in Grand Rapids

A man dies leaving his wife a sorely grieving widow. He finds he can contact her from the life beyond, and she promises to remember him always. He learns from an angel though, that as long as he is remembered, he is stuck in the middle ground between Earth and the full afterlife. He then seeks to convince his wife to forget him… not an easy task.


This is a lighthearted and fun episode. Nothing scary about it. In fact, the set up in Act 1 for, and later in Act 3 the appearance of, a ghost, is quite amusing. Don't expect a 'happy' ending though. ;)

Kim in Japan

It was a cute story and a very fun episode. I disagree, I think the ending was very happy. The living wife was shocked in to resuming a happy life and the departed was finally allowed to rest. I could hear the moral: it is fine to morn but don't forget to move on and enjoy what's left of living. (Afterall, who know what you'll come back as the next time round.)


A lighthearted ghost story, comedic even. Dryden as God (what other regular would it be?) was pretty funny as well. Live for the future, not the past (as Bruce's mother found out too late).


Elspeth Eric is more reliable when she does comedy or very light drama than when she goes for really serious fare. This, a case of the former, is entirely listenable. Melba's pitiful and boring, but that's actually kind of the point.


Just a general comment... Does anybody else enjoy the bigger files with commercials and maybe starting with the news? I really enjoy the back in time aspect where I'm a kid hearing these for the first time. Maybe there could be a group option (beyond the current chronological) of large files... 12m and above to target listeners like me. Even if not thanks for a good sure and everybody donate like me if you can.

Chris f

Chris, I definitely enjoy the episodes that include news and all the commercials!!!!!! It makes me very sad when the episodes have been sliced and diced.


Melba was a wonderful wife to Paul, but as his widow she leaves something to be desired. She won’t stop loving him and she won’t leave him alone. In desperation, Paul goes to a kindred spirit, Bruce, for help. The only advice Bruce can offer is for Paul to marry again—not his earthly wife, Melba, but a heavenly creature who, like Paul, expects to live on forever in whatever place it is they live on forever. (207)


I loved this episode


I rate this episode ★★★★☆ for GOOD. If there's one word to describe this ghostly scenario, it would be "Lighthearted." Elspeth Eric's mystery tale was more of a Romantic Comedy-Drama. I enjoyed the chemistry between the 2 lovers and how much they mean to each other. You could say that they were "High-Spirited." The only downside, is when Melba communicates with a character named Irene on the telephone. We don't get to listen to Irene's opinion about the Widow's actions, nor do we get the chance to hear her voice at all. Why create a character that has no voice? But anyway, it was nice to listen to a ghost story that had mystique affection. In our Host's Prologue, E.G. Marshall confesses that he's crazy about ghosts. In ACT-1, talk about how ghosts that haunted in the old days and have to "adjust" nowadays. He makes a reference to Hamlet's Father that a visitation by a ghost could be depressing. But in this story, it's quite the opposite. In ACT-2, the ghost makes his plan to visit his Widow. Afterwards, he uses the proverb on marriage in a surprising plot point. In ACT-3, E.G. Marshall states that everything worked out for all the characters: The widow moved on, Paul enjoys the afterlife, and Leonard Whipple gets to see Melba more. But as for Bruce, what exactly was his reward in this situation? I think both Elspeth Eric & E.G. Marshall forgot that missing part of the story. In the Epilogue, our Host's first question for a ghost is, "Are you happy?" In my opinion, his final narration should've had a detailed Resolution about the characters, particularly Melba & Paul. The sound effects were suitable, but needed more. We get to hear doors, rotary phone, cups clinking, glass shattering, and chains clanking. More importantly, we get to listen to the variety of lovely music. Some tunes were mystifying, some were comical, and some were affectionate. And all of them worked splendidly in every scene. And speaking of splendid, the cast: Lenka Peterson (as Melba: the Widow), Elliot Reid (as Paul: the Ghost), Robert Dryden (as Leonard Whipple and "Sir"), and Gordon Gould (as Bruce: the Angel). Both Robert Dryden & Gordon Gould were great as always on CBSRMT. But it was Lenka Peterson & Elliot Reid that stole the show. Listening to them playing characters that yearn for each other, even after death, was a pure delight. These 2 deserve an applause. For any CBSRMT fan that's searching for a ghost story with romance in the mix, check this episode out. And check out #0060-THE GHOST AT THE GATE which is also written by Elspeth Eric. Until next time…pleasant dreams.


This was just not an episode for me. It was comical but did not grab my attention enough. Perhaps because God was treated like some dumb bumbling idiot who was clueless. Just not my cup of tea. Did enjoy the news and commercials, they are a great nostalgic listen!


Fun storyline about a bereft widow who in remembering her husband tethers him to earth. How can they both be free? Good acting, excellent sound quality. Enjoy.


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