CBSRMT Episode Information Next Episode


The Boatman and the Devil


A young Russian is exiled to Siberia and determined to bring his family with him into the barren wilderness. He is encouraged by the boatman in charge of transporting the exiles to cease his attempts.



Air Dates

  • First Run - December 7, 1982
  • (No Repeat) - January 1, 1970





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21 Responses to Episode 1399

This is an excellent site!! Thanks Paul


This was the last episode of Mystery Theater. I wish that it was better. It was a mundaine story where the ending with a send off from Himan Brown was far more interesting than the script. I wonder how many people have lestened to all 1,399 episodes?... 2 stars

Davy Joe

I have! Just finished tonight! Took about 9 years.


I have relistened to all of em. I remember my mother listening to them in the late 70’s in the evening while ironing or doing dishes.

Asher Wambold

Yes Davy there is a person who listened to all 1399 episodes on line.I used to listen to them back in the day.What a joy to find them on line. I personally think you started at the wrong end Davy.Start at 001, which by the way had Agnes Morehead in it.Its fun to listen to the progress made as the years go bye. I started listening to these about Thanksgiving, and just listened to the last one.I wish they had the stars when I started listening.Oh well I'll just go back and start again till I get to the one I started rating.Thanks a lot Paul, this is the most fun I've had that didn't involve a gas motor in a long time.And for you newbes, you can't judge CBSRMT till you've listened to a few of them.Good luck, and if you need some help, you've got my email address.

Randy McLeod

These really take me back. I can remember listening in Chicago back around the tender age of about seven (in '74.) They'd come and go in my life over the next eight years, but remained an indelible part of my childhood. What a tremendous gift you've given me in making all of these available again. I hope I can spark an interest in my 5 year old girl.

Rick Penn

Anton Chekhov's story was more of a Drama than a Mystery. Sasha the Boatman (played by Alexander Scourby) was like an Anti-Hero. He had nothing & wanted nothing and that's how he survived in Siberia with all the characters in Exile. The CBSRMT series should've ended with a better episode, something with detectives/ghosts instead of a tale of agony/despair. Anyway, check out this FINAL episode, everyone.


I really liked this show. I think that things like this should stay here forever. It was a mix of horror and suspense. Thanks, CBS!

Param Oza

This was a very interesting tale


The show of the week is The Boatman Interesting one


"The Boatman and the Devil" is my favorite


As of tonight I have listened to every episode. I listened when I was boy back in the seventies, and I started with the Internet saves back in 2002. I do not think most late comers appreciate what is going on here. Himan Brown manged to revive the radio drama in the 70s. A few people listened to the show, mainly over crappy AM radio, in a world dominated by three television networks. A few of those people manged to tape those shows using equipment that was expensive at the time. A few of those people kept their recordings for 20+ years. A few of those people converted their recordings and uploaded for others to share. And a few wonderful people pulled together this site. Thanks to all of you in the chain that kept CBSRMT alive.


Hi, I just listened to this episode and I did not hear the "send off by Himan Brown." There was a preview of another show. I would love to know what he said, if anyone could recall, please? Also, did they keep airing repeats for awhile or was this it? BTW...I loved this episode. The story had me on edge and completely locked in.


I made it! I've now listened to each episode, mostly in order. It took several years to make it through the entire series. My favorite original episode is "The Ninth Volume" (#761). I think my favorite adaptation was the five part "Les Miserables" (1275-1279). CBSRMT was quite an accomplished by Mr. Brown.


David, the send off by Himan Brown was at the end of episode 1386, The Resident Killer, not this episode. Himan Brown says that the curtain has come down after 3,000 episodes. Since this is episode 1399, they must have included the rerun episodes. Honestly that episode ends with an open ended mystery that is more fitting for the final episode than this episode was. Farewell and pleasant dreams.

D.C. Klinkensmit

OMG! This story was SOOOOO horribly bleak and despressing, it had no entertainment value whatsoever! I truly enjoy listening to CBSRMT, but I never thought that I would write a NEGATIVE comment regarding an episode. There was no way to enjoy listening to The Boatman and the Devil.

Eric Templeton

I was one to listen to all 1399 episodes.


I was about 11 years old and was tuning my radio to 1210 am WCAU. They would broadcast the Phillies games. Anyway I remember it was just after nine and I was listening to the news to get to sports to tell me about the Phillies. Low and behold at 7 after the hour I heard my first episode and was hooked ever since. I soon saved up my paper route money and purchased a cassette recorder and 60 minute tapes at the local radio shack. I made an effort to record two or three episodes each week. I also had the commercials recorded as I set it up to record automatically using a timer. Needless to say I wore those cassettes out in no time enjoying every moment. I would use my imagination to picture how each actor or actress would look. Anyway I am so glad to have found this and look forward to downloading all onto a hard drive so I can resume the enjoyment of my youth. Thanks again for making all these available. They are a real enjoyment.

Dan Gysi

This is a great site. I have collected all of the episodes and didn't know there was such a fan base like me!


Just finished all of the episodes in order. I started when I stumbled across this wonderful website .... A lot has happened in those eight years, including my chronic insomnia going away. Turns out listening to these radio shows was the best medicine. I listen at bedtime and some episodes take me a week to get through because I keep falling asleep before the end. I think my favorite voice is that of Larry Haines. Robert Dryden, Ralph Bell…. I really enjoyed the five-part series like the last Days of Pompeii. Pleasant dreams, y’all!

Andrew Firth

I found this program searching for something to listen to while falling asleep, I would wake up and go back to the last part I remembered. I would also listen while watching sports (more interesting than the announcers), it took me around three years to listen, some more entertaining than others, enjoyed Larry Hines voice and delivery the most. Glad I came across this program.

David Medina

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