CBSRMT Episode Information Next Episode


The Ghost of Andersonville


After finally being released from the Confederacy's most notorious prison camp, a detainee is requested to stand before a Union General. Despite being a potential presidential candidate, the man refuses due to a deep-seated grudge.



Air Dates

  • First Run - April 28, 1982
  • Repeat - August 4, 1982





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5 Responses to Episode 1321

A battered and torn piece of American history. This episode was an excellent look into a little known story from post Civil War times. General Cutler ordered 1,500+ troops to their death in a battle close to Chattanooga. The episode details the short, but tragic events of the relationship of General Cutler and Cal Russell, a major who served under the General and who would forever be changed due to the General's ineptitude as an army leader. This was a very good episode, but still, no fear you can hear. 3 stars.


Entertaining, but like so many RMT stories, historically inaccurate. The story occurs while President Lincoln is alive. The Secret Service is depicted as charged with protecting important officials. BUT the Secret Service was only created in July 1865 -- AFTER Lincoln has been assassinated. AND even then the Secret Service did not protect important officials until 1901, AFTER President McKinley was assassinated.


I doubt anyone listens to CBSRMT expecting an accuate history lesson.


I could swear that the government investigator, Timothy Forrester sounds exactly like the actor Keir Dullea. Now I recognize his voice having seen many TV shows and famous movies starring Keir Dullea. I can't believe that Tony Roberts could imitate him or even Robert Kaliban. Why would they even try?

D.C. Klinkensmit

If they were in Chattanooga, if they were concerned about troops on Lookout Mountain, why would they cross the Mississippi River ?

Steve Jeffiers

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