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Harry's Taxi and the 'T' Machine


In order to resuscitate his failing career, a scientist invents a transmigration machine and experiments on live creatures. A freak accident causes his wife to become another casualty of the machine.



Air Dates

  • First Run - December 14, 1981
  • Repeat - February 18, 1982





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4 Responses to Episode 1268

'T' in this case means "transmutation machine". (Think "transporter" from the original Star Trek.) Harry is a scientist somewhere in the 22nd century. Unfortunately, this particular scientist is in a low point of his career - he's working as a taxi driver (whatever kind of futuristic machine that would be) to make ends meet as he's fallen from recognition within the scientific community. He thinks he's onto something though...his "T" machine, which would enable an object put into a large cylinder next to the machine to be transported across space and time to another receiving cylinder somewhere else. Right now that second cylinder is out near his garage. He's tried different items and is now ready to experiment "T'ing" live creatures. He decides to try that next on an animal...his wife's grandfather's dog. A couple of things about the machine: 1. It's a secret to everyone except the grandfather, also an inventor. His beloved wife is clueless about it. 2. Every time it's used one smells fried bacon and eggs. (I thought this was going to be one of those humorous episodes...this one's midway between humorous and serious.) One day Harry returns from work to try and locate his wife. Neither he nor Grandpa can find her, until they smell fried bacon and's apparent that she stumbled into the "T" machine, activated it, and is now only God knows where. One more thing about when they teleported Grandpa's dog into the receiving cylinder. They found him there, but his ears were attached upside down on his head, so one never quite knows what will happen when a living thing is placed in this contraption.

Andrew Wing

This one I always enjoy coming back to! I love the actors, and the man who plays grandpa is perfect! The dog noises need a little help, but everything else in this story is top notch.

Doug Proulx

As grandpa said, “Retribution doesn't only happen in heaven.” I was wondering how that pompous, thieving, “big ox,” Cornelius was going to get it… Fried eggs and bacon.

Vicky Hernandez

We used to listen to the CBSRMT every night in the late 70's. We thought it was too scary to listen to at our apartment, so we would get in the car and drive around for an hour and hear it. Now, we are interested in the series once again and for the first time I looked up all the storylines and printed them up. It took 2 days and a resupply of ink to finish the job. One of our favorites was a story about this guy using clear cylinders to teleport things. This story must be it. I remember something about him being a taxi driver I thought that Fred Gwynn being in the cast. We'll find out tonight.

Susan Milka

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