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The Man Who Saw Martians


In order to impress the woman he is enamored with, a young reporter fakes a UFO sighting. Real aliens show up when the incident becomes famous world-wide, and they are far from pleased with the situation.



Air Dates

  • First Run - February 2, 1981
  • Repeat - March 10, 1981





69     19

3 Responses to Episode 1154

A reporter attempts to impress the girl of his dreams by faking reports of UFO encounters. The problem: some real aliens don't appreciate the bad publicity he is giving them. A pretty lame episode. Genre: Science-fiction

Leslie Y.

I rate this episode ★★★★☆ for GOOD. The only things that I thought were Excellent, were the sound effects and the music. Sound effects of the howling wind, porch glider, crickets, doors, footsteps, car engine running, car explosion and fires up, fire truck alarm going off, fire hose spraying, phone buzzing, photographs flapping, parade music, rotary phone ringing, computer beeping noises, pine buses ruffling, and of course the soaring sound of the UFO. Terrific collection of music tracks in this. Some were suspenseful, one track was comical (right before the picnic scene), and the dark sci-fi encounter tunes you here in the final Act. In our Host’s Prologue, E.G. Marshall starts the show off by asking if there’s life on other planets, but more importantly is there intelligent life on ours. In ACT-1, we meet 2 of our main characters in a small town known as Hudson Falls. In ACT-2, our Host informs us that there are many stories about sighting/abductees. Later on, he compares this Fantasy-Mystery to the story of Pandora’s Box. In ACT-3, our main character faces the alien, but then in the end, E.G. Marshall goes into a pensive narration of understanding hate and learn about superior ideals. In his Epilogue, he quotes Titus Lucretius Carus (a Roman poet and philosopher): “Nature is not unique to the visible world. We must have faith that in other regions of space there exist other earths inhabited by other people and animals.” Then, he mentions mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus about this belief. E.G. Marshall suddenly makes a BIG error when he says, “a 1,000 years later,” to mention philosopher Giordano Bruno. Did anyone on the set of CBSRMT miss that when they recorded this? Shouldn’t he have said, “100 years?” Anyway, let’s move on to our cast: Jack Grimes (as Amos Jones), Jada Rowland (as Susan Bailey), Russell Horton (as Jack and the Fire Fighter), and Earl Hammond (as Horace Bailey and Mr. Smith: The Alien). Both Jack Grimes and Russell Horton were good on their performances. Jada Rowland is my favorite CBSRMT actress and she did terrifically. As for Earl Hammond, nice work for playing Horace Bailey, but a dreadful job for playing the Alien named Mr. Smith. His voice as the Alien was like a combination of Kermit the Frog & Yoda from STAR WARS. Listen to Earl Hammond’s voice at the 37-minute mark when he says this: “We shall change the angle of the sun so that your world is burned to a crisp instantly.” The way he said, “burned,” sounded like he was belching. As for the script, I think G. Frederick Lewis should’ve expanded this Sci-Fi tale a little bit more. Make it into a 2-part story to learn more about intelligent life or have flashbacks on how Amos Jones fell in love with Susan Bailey. It was a decent Sci-Fi tale, with its uncanny set characters, a love triangle, a UFO encounter, but an ending that could’ve been better. Plus, the Title of this episode didn’t need to be plural, because there was just 1 Martian. If you like G. Frederick Lewis’ Sci-Fi stories, check out #1060-THE TIME BOX or #1221-A.L.I.C.E. But for a better Sci-Fi story involving Journalists & the UFOs, check out #0790-A MESSAGE FROM SPACE which also stars Jada Rowland. Until next time…pleasant dreams. =0)


Don't confuse this play with the brilliant 1950's Day the Earth Stood Still, or even Invasion of the Body Snatchers. This script is so bad that the producer must have gotten his 14 year old son to write it in his high school Grade 9 drama class. It is so corny that it becomes unintentionally hilarious. Listen to such memorable lines from the space alien. "My name is Smith. You may call me MISTER Smith. [emphasis indicated] Vee haff always been a peaceful space race, but your accusations that vee haff come to invade and conquer your planet is unacceptable. If you do not correct this error in your small town newspaper, vee vill have no choice but to change the angle of your Sun and burn you to a crisp in an instance!"

D.C. Klinkensmicht

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