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Ocean of Emptiness


On a mission to scout the planet Jupiter, a married couple on their first trip in space find themselves being followed by an unknown thing. When they receive a disturbing report announcing their deaths, they return to Earth and discover just how much the world has changed during their absence.



Air Dates

  • First Run - September 10, 1980
  • Repeat - December 11, 1980





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9 Responses to Episode 1117

As much as I enjoy listening to Arnold Moss as an actor, I must admit that I find his writing to be somewhat disappointing. This story made no sense at all. The relativity angle was fine - allowing for some license, that works. But the supporting story is complete rubbish. How much investment in money, training, and other resources would be required to attempt a space flight like this? After all that, the best they could do is send two people ( husband and wife?) who get scared as soon as they arrive at their destination and choose to abort the mission? The whole setup is literally unbelievable.


"Ocean of Emptiness." Apt title, an absolutely vapid plot, and me without my lifeboat. (SPOILER ALERT) The story revolves around Einstein’s Theory of Relativity as two astronauts travel close to the speed of light and hardly age at all while 5,000 years pass on earth. There. All you need to know. YOU could come up with a better plot over dinner. Save an hour of your life and listen to Arnold Moss shine masterfully as Roderick in The Fall of the House of Usher rather than this dismal story penned by him. You almost feel bad for Teri Keane and Paul Hecht who seem uncomfortable reading such awful dialogue. E.G. Marshall even seems stilted during his rushed narration. I give Ocean ONE STAR. – JUROR 4


A spaceship with a mirror at hand and a clock on the wall? Bwa ha ha!


Gee Wiz!!!! How critical some people are!!! It's just a radio show, not Citizen Kane! I thought it was kind of cool! Similar to what happened in The Planet of the Apes. Mt. Rushmore worn down, people living in bubble-domed cities? The way things are going on this planet now, that scenario might just be rosey. The story makes you think a little, and that's s good thing.

Eric C. Price

Citizen Kane it is not, but it is a cool-creative episode, kind of like "Planet of the Apes"! It's creative and makes you think about a lot of things. Imagine coming home to and seeing Mt. Rushmore worn down by time. Just imagine that! Only the theater of the mind can create such an image! And if you're a kid with a vivid imagination and never took a Physics class, this episode just might make you want to. It's fact woven into a clever story. Four Stars in my opinion. And by all means check out "Fall of the House of Usher". If they couldn't get Vincent Price, Arnold Moss is about as good as you can get!!!

Eric C. Price

Very sappy and fun!


By any objective evaluation, the science in this annoyingly bad. But for CBSRMT... the science is actually remarkably good. But I do wish the woman would stop whining! Why did she even sign up for the mission??? But I guess with wives... even in space in 2095... it's still just nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag...

Steve Bergman

Utterly ridiculous. A married couple with surprisingly little scientific knowledge are sent into space to wander around with no rules or mission plan. The wife gets jittery after 36 hours and wants to go back. Pathetic from the jump.


In 1995, the very first manned mission beyond the moon is magically able to travel near the speed of light and has the option of turning around on a dime too. With this ability to cross the galaxy in seconds (which is naturally first tested on a husband and wife without trying any machine probes), they of course choose to go to... Jupiter, in hopes of discovering if it has an unbelievable 15 moons instead of the 14 we know of. Their trip lasts about 40 hours each way, yet they experience time dilation several minutes into the trip, so apparently Jupiter in the year 1995 has moved much further away... maybe Mars exploded, that'd explain why nobody bothered to visit it. If all that wasn't silly enough, they decide to LAND on Jupiter's "surface", and have no concern about the pressures involved. They state casually the well-known fact that modern Jupiter is just like the early Earth and that's why they expect to find life on the surface of it. Yeah, the surface of Jupiter is surely the MOST plausible place in the solar system to go look for life. They also have a universal translator they expect to work instantly on alien beeps, but that's the 1990s for you. Oh, and aliens build a replica of Mt Rushmore on their planet for no apparent reason whatsoever. Not sufficiently annoyed yet? Don't worry, E.G. Marshall throws in some sexist thoughts about women's intuition while the woman character panics her way through and demonstrates a complete lack of education as her husband carefully explains everything to her. It's so hard to believe this episode was written in 1980, when absolutely everything about it screams 1880.


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