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The Winds of Time


A woman visits paranormal expert Bryce Bond to relieve her of the incessant and debilitating migraines she experiences. In order to cure her, she must travel through time and secure closure for things left unresolved in her past lives.



Air Dates

  • First Run - October 16, 1978
  • Repeat - April 20, 1979





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7 Responses to Episode 0906

A truly remarkable episode ahead of its time as so many of these are. daring and far-reaching in scope it's well acted and spellbinding.

Lorice McCloud

Ian Martin wrote an interesting tale that brought Drama-Mystery & Fantasy-Mystery together in this CBSRMT episode. It reminds me of the 112th episode of the TWILIGHT ZONE where the main character goes back in time to try and change history. And in the end, they created a "Pre-destination Paradox" a.k.a. "Casual Loop" where one doesn't change history but makes it. In this story, our main character travels to Pittsburgh 1862 during the Civil War, then goes to London 1888 to find Jack The Ripper, and then Berlin 1945 when WWII was almost ending. The sound effects of the door buzzing, the cannons fired, the frogs croaking, gun misfired, the fog horn, horses galloping, the phone ringing, bombs being dropped and exploded, and the gun shot near the end were all hunky dory. The music, however, needed a variety of themes for every location our main character traveled to. Drum battle music in ACT-1, horrifying tunes in ACT-2, and dramatic melodies in ACT-3. SPECIAL NOTE: there were recording sounds in the background that were very distracting. It sounded like slow music from a previous recording or zombie cows mooing. But more importantly, E.G. Marshall was at the top of his game when he introduced the subject of reincarnation in his Prologue. In ACT-1, he quotes Thomas Hardy by saying, "Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened." In ACT-2, he explains that truth is definitely stranger than fiction. In ACT-3, he quotes Claudius from William Shakespeare's Hamlet (Act-4, Scene-3) by saying, "Diseases desperate grown. By desperate appliance are relieved. Or not at all." And in the Epilogue, he quoted Elbert Hubbard by saying, "A miracle is an event described by those to whom it was told by men who did not see it." All of these quotes were significant to what our main characters were going through. If there was one word to describe the talents of Bryce Bond (as Himself), Carol Teitel (as Carol Ormsby (who became Loreta Janeta Velázquez a.k.a. Lt. Harry Buford, then became Mary Jane Kelly and then became Eva Braun)), Ian Martin (as Sgt. Red Crowder & Adolf Hitler), and Robert Dryden (as Jack The Ripper & Fritz), it would be: SENSATIONAL! This was one of Carol Teitel's best performances in radio history. She played the roles of a trouble woman with a migraine, a Civil War lieutenant, a promiscuous gal in Britain, and the spouse of the German dictator in one story.


I typically enjoy a time travel story and this did not disappoint. The progression of the story I felt was well done from a very skeptical person to an aggressive believer in the man helping her. She was in a desperate pursuit to try and help herself with the Headaches but it was much more than that.


I have to smile at the comment that this episode was ahead of its time. In 1978 there were literally dozens of books in the Occult section of bookstores about reincarnation and past lives. Reincarnation was a hot topic even earlier than 1978. There was more than 1 movie about it. 'The Reincarnation of Peter Proud', 'Seance on a Sunday Afternoon', several Twilight Zone or Outer Limit episodes. I can even remember one Doctor Who episode from circa 1975 where the Doctor (Tom Baker) was agonizing about if he met Hitler as a young school boy, should he kill him to save the millions of people Hitler would kill in the future? Could he be justified about killing an innocent boy at the time.

D.C. Klinkemsmit

@D.C. Klinkemsmit, He could never be justified and here's why. No matter what happened or how bad it was, history should NEVER be changed. We don't know what would have happened if WW2 hadn't taken place and if Hitler hadn't existed. For example, would it have made Stalin more powerful if he hadn't been at war with the Germans? Would we have NATO now? Would the lessons learned from the Holocaust have been learned yet? Without Hitler, who else might have been in power instead? Would that person have been just as bad as Hitler, but even more successful than Hitler at succeeding with their goals? This is why people shouldn't mess with time travel, no matter what. Don't touch history. We don't know what the long term consequences would be.


It truly sounds like an interesting story but as Russ mentions above, the background soundtrack noise was very distracting for me. So much so that I couldn’t finish the story. Very disappointed about that...


I first started listening to Larry King on the radio. I’d turn his show on after the CBSRMT and listen into the night. He left a mark and strongly believed in the free expression of ideas.


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