CBSRMT Episode Information Next Episode


The Adventure of the Red-Headed League


Sherlock Holmes helps a friend who has been swindled by a group of red-headed men. He uncovers a much larger scheme.



Air Dates

  • First Run - April 26, 1977
  • Repeat - September 10, 1977
  • Repeat - August 18, 1979





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5 Responses to Episode 0641

Sherlock Holmes helps a friend who has been swindled by a group of red-headed men. He uncovers a much larger scheme.

Nino Corpuz

A Sherlock Holmes mystery.

Seymour B.

"The Red-Headed League". I found this adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes classic unimaginative and slow. Acting by the Holmes character is not very strong. And Dr. Watson mumbles his way through the story (I often wonder why most adaptors and actors portray Watson as a stumbling boob). The story begins interestingly enough, as client Mr. Wilson describes his initiation into the Red-headed league. At some point, the story takes a turn into a meandering dump of details in an attempt to provide the listener enough details to try to figure out the mystery by him or herself. Unfortunately, the details are muddled and couched in vaguery. Worth a listen, if nothing else on the agenda for the evening. I am interested in listening to other adaptations of Sir Doyle's famous sleuth to see if CBS RMT can improve on this performance. 1 STAR OUT OF 5. Juror 4 (Audio warning, for some reason the episode is sprinkled with frequent loud beeps - very annoying)


There's an annoying beeping every few minutes for the duration of the story, but otherwise it's good.


☆ fair "Sherlock Holmes" adaptation Likes: nod to the left-handers; Kevin McCarthy as Holmes. Dislikes: sound issues (intro cut, beeping tones, slight static); Court Benson as a mumbling Watson; slow pace.

Cindy Caldwell

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